Chapter Two, Finally my own place

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After the stare off between my mother and I, we finally climbed into the car and made our way to my new apartment in another city. The tension was high during the entire car ride. My mother had opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it. It sparked my curiosity in what she was going to say. Once at our destination I unbuckled my seat belt and hopped out of the car stretching. I looked at the tall building and smiled to myself until once again my mother interrupted me from my thoughts. "Are you going to help my or what?" she said coldly. I ignored it and grabbed some boxes making my way into the lobby without waiting for her. I already had the key in my back pocket so I climbed into the elevator keeping the doors open because I knew my mom would explode right then and there. Once she was in, I pressed a button that said '18'. I set down the boxes and admired the pattern on the walls of the elevator. After the sound of bell, I picked up the boxes and walked down the long hallway to my apartment. 

After a few second of trying to open the door without setting the boxes down and dropping them I finally got it open and kicked the door softly with my foot. I made my way to the living room setting the boxes down and spinning around taking in the entire apartment. It had only one room, a section for a washer and dryer, the kitchen, a small dining room, and a spacious living room, which I liked very much. 

"I'll get the rest of the boxes, you start unpacking." she said already walking towards the door. "Are you sure you don't need any-" she had already shut the door cutting me off. "Hm guess not.." I said to myself. After unpacking one box my mother came in with the other boxes.

"Well, I'll be on my way. I have to go back to work." she spoke. All she ever did was work. I never had a close relationship with her because she was always gone. My father left when I was a baby so I have no memory of him. I stood up and hugged her tightly. It took a second until she finally returned the hug, just as tight. "I love you mom." I whispered into her ear. "I love you too sweetie. I'll miss you so much." We pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other. Her expression changed into a more serious face. "Now Skylar, I do not want you to go mess around. No parties, no boys, no drinking, no drugs, no nothing. Understand? Because if you do and I find out. I will have your head. I nodded quickly knowing she was serious and wouldn't hesitate in bringing my back home.

"Well now that that's settled, I'll be on my way." she said quickly. She hugged my again and kissed my cheek whispering "Stay safe Skylar." into my ear. After we pulled away she quickly left the apartment without saying anything or looking back. 

I turned around to realizing I had tons of unpacking to do. The apartment already came furnished with everything I would need. Even a bed. I hung all of my clothes into my closet, placing my panties and bras into the nightstand. I thought to myself that tomorrow would be a good day to go shopping for some decorations. I had worked for the past to years saving up my money for this day. My mother way paying the rent while I was taking care of everything else.

After I finished unpacking everything, my stomach growled. Also making me realize that I didn't buy any groceries. Great. I sighed and grabbed my phone deciding to go out and buy some. I had to take the bus to the supermarket since I han't purchased a car yet. I was planning on buying one soon, but not now. At the supermarket, I bought everything a normal young adult would. Junk food, and lots of it, while also buying healthy foods. Taking the bus home and arriving at the apartment building, I quickly made my way to the elevator, placing my groceries on the ground, and pressing the button that lead to the 18th floor. 

As the doors were starting to close I heard a voice yell "Hold the elevator!". I placed my hand on one of the doors causing the doors to open again. A tall curly haired man stepped into the elevator. His green eyes locked with my hazel ones and he smiled, dimples on both sides of his cheek showing. "Thank you" he said and I nodded in response Looking away towards the rows of number to the floors. "What floor?" I asked not looking at him. "Eighteen." he responded. I was about to push the button when I realized I was on my way to that floor too.

The ride up was silent, after the sound of a bell, and the opening of the doors, I grabbed my groceries and made my way down the long hallway. I looked behind me to see that he was walking closely behind. I was about to ask why he was following me til I thought about his room being down the hallway too. I stopped at my door and looked behind my only to see him knocking on a door right across from mine. I turned back to my door and unlocked it grabbing my groceries  and walking in, shutting the door behind me with my foot. 

After unpacking my groceries, I glanced at my phone to see that it was already 10. I sighed and decided it would be a good time to go to sleep. I can get up early tomorrow and explore the city. 

I put on my favorite pair of striped pajama shorts and a plain white tank top. I climbed into bed pulling the covers over me only to hear loud music and multiple voices from another apartment. 

I tried to ignore it and go to sleep but the music was way too loud. I grew annoyed and got up from my bed speed walking out of my apartment. I quickly located where the sound of the music was coming from and pounded on the door. The same curly haired boy from earlier had opened the door. He smiled at my, his dimples peeking out.

"Hello love, what can I help you with?" he said still smiling at me. I glared at him and sighed "Can you please turn the music down? I'm trying to sleep!" I snapped.

He chuckled softly. He had an adorable laugh. No Skylar stop it. "Of course babe. I'm Harry, what's your name?" I blushed slightly at the word 'babe'. I wasn't used to it at all.

"Skylar Rose. Goodnight" I said quickly leaving him standing there and walking back to my apartment. 

After climbing into bed, I heard the music go off. Numerous groans going off. I smiled to myself. I didn't think he would actually listen to me. I felt my eyelids get heavy as I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

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