Chapter Five, Not you again

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After Harry and I departed ways in the hallway, I entered my small apartment replaying today's events in my head. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Rae was it? Was Harry that type of guy? The one that just screws girls and looks for his next victim? I really hope not, he seems like such a sweet heart. 

I sighed when I heard a faint beeping sound coming from the back pocket of my jeans. I took out my phone and unlocked it seeing that I had a new message. I expected it to be my mother but it wasn't. It was him. I knew it was him. 

From: Unknown Number

I've found you darling don't try and hide now. I can't wait to feel your soft skin in my hands again. 

-The love of your life

My phone slipped from my hands landing on the floor. I took a step back and looked at it with wide eyes. He couldn't of found me. No no no no no, this can't be happening.


I sat on his couch waiting for him to return. After numerous calls and texts I decided I would just sit on his couch and wait it out. He said he was just going to get some groceries. It does not take 8 damn hours to get groceries. He wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts.

What if he crashed on the way home? What if he was cheating on me? So many thoughts ran through my head. My hearing was directed to the front door of his small condo. I heard the jingling of keys, indicating that he was home. 

I stood up quickly, not taking my eyes off the door. I took in his appearance the second he entered the door. He was drunk off his ass. Bloodshot eyes, he reeked of alcohol and... marijuana?

"Where the hell were you?!" I quickly asked. Not even a minute has passed and I was already furious.

"Why the fuck do you care?" he replied with no emotion "Why do i- You're drunk off your ass when you said you were going to get groceries!" I spat back at him. That's when I noticed the hickey on his neck.

"Wha-What is that?" my voice was starting to get shaky. "Hate to break it to you princess, Ive been cheating on you this whole time babe." he laughed at me. It wasn't just a laugh it was an evil backstabbing laugh. 

I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, I glanced at the door and back at him, I ran for it. As I twisted the door knob I felt a strong hand grip my hair by the root, and pulling me back inside, along with the sound of a door slamming shut.

"Where do you think your going princess?" he said with the most evil smile I have seen in my life.


I felt something wet on my cheeks, that's when I noticed that I was crying during the entire flashback. He had found me. I didn't know what to do or where to go, until a thought went through my mind.

Go to Harry's.


Sorry for the short chapter today I will be updating in a few hours again. 

Want to know when the next update is or give some ideas for a new chapter? Talk to me on instagram @ idontstalk1d

Love you all!

~Ayla xx

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