Chapter Four, Awkward..

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Double Update Today!


We walked to the little donut shop down the street, me shivering like crazy along the way, and Harry insisting multiple times that I were his hoodie. Of course, I turned the offer down until he finally gave up. 

Once we reached the donut shop, Harry quickly opened the door for me before I could open it myself. Such a gentleman. I didn't waste anytime walking into the heated donut shop. The warmth felt amazing on my freezing skin. I was happy to be out of that dreadful weather.

A very attractive cashier greeted us. I simply smiled while Harry looked a little angry.

"Hello, what'll it be?" he simply asked flashing a beautiful smile towards us. "I'll have a hot chocolate, extra whipped cream and Harry..." I said waiting for Harry's answer "Same as her, no whipped cream" he said not taking his eyes off the cashier, who I guessed his name was Damion because of his name tag.

"Alright $5.37 is the total." He said still smiling, well smiling at me only. Harry took out his money and paid him. Once he did that cashier took the receipt and wrote something, handing my the receipt and winking at me. He turned around to get our drinks handing them to us leaning in and whispering "Call me."  in my ear. 

I blushed as I walked away to the small table Harry was sitting at. 

"He gave you his number, didn't he?" he simply asked, anger and annoyance clearly written all over his face.  "Yeah he did. Is that bad?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I'm guessing he didn't like him or something like that.  "No, I just don't think you should trust him." I nodded in response and took a sip or my hot chocolate.

I pulled back from the cup, having pain on the tip of my tongue. Hence the term HOT chocolate. 

"Ow!" I yelled biting down on my tongue slightly. I heard Harry laugh. It sounds so beautiful. Ugh Skylar. "You burned your tongue didn't you?" he finally asked still laughing. I nodded before he said something else "You know they do call it hot chocolate for a reason Sky." Sky? Hm new nickname I guess.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Harry." I said rolling my eyes at him only causing his to laugh again. I couldn't help but laugh along with him. 

"Well we should probably get back before it starts snowing." I nodded in agreement.

Before we could leave we heard a high pitched voice from the other side of the donut shop.

"Harry!?" the high pitched voice said. I turned to see a redheaded girl walking towards up. Even in this weather she was wearing a revealing outfit. You could tell she used a push up bra to make her boobs pop out more for everyone too see. Her heels clacked on the wooden floor before the took a seat on Harry's lap. I sat there unsure of what to do. She squealed and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much baby!" she said in her annoying voice. She then turned her attention to me, facial expression completely changing. "Who's.. this babe?" I assumed that was his girlfriend. Boy could he do so much better..

"This is uh- Skylar.. my friend." he said with an annoyed look on his face looking at me and rolling his eyes at her. I couldn't help but giggle. "What's so funny hoe?" I can not believe she just said that. 

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief. "You have ears don't you?" Okay this girl was getting on my nerves. I wasn't one to talk trash so I just decided to leave."

"I'm gonna head home Harry, bye." I grabbed my hot chocolate and zipped up my jacket. "Wait i'll go with you!" He pushed the red headed girl off his lap and grabbed his hot chocolate

"Haarrryyyyyy! Why are you going with that piece of trash!?" I normally wasn't affected by those types of words, but having it come from a girl clearly more beautiful kinda hurt.

I have had enough at this point and just pushed the shop doors and left. I stopped for a bit, trying to get my body adjusted to the cold weather once again. I began to walk when a heard a familiar voice call my name. 

"Sky wait up!" I turned to see the familiar boy jogging towards me. I turned in his direction and waited for him. 

"Hey, I'm really sorry about that. Rae seems to think shes my girlfriend." he muttered. I nodded in response, letting him know it was alright. "Well, I'm freezing my butt off lets go." I said looking at the ground. He smiled and nodded beginning to walk next to me.

My right hand was freezing. I kept bringing it up to my mouth every ten second to blow warm air into it. My other hand was okay since I was holding the hot chocolate. Harry must of noticed because as soon as I put my right hand down Harry took it in his much larger hand, lacing our fingers together. I looked down at out hands and smiled and then looked back up at his beautiful green eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked still smiling. "I saw that you hand was cold, so I uh- just thought, um I could keep it warm.." I could tell he was embarrassed, I thought it was super adorable. I simply smiled at his. 

We walked all the way back to the apartment building hand in hand. It was such a sweet gesture. Once we entered the building, we kept holding hands until we made it up to the 18th floor and down the hall to our rooms. We stood in front of the door to my apartment, an awkward silence in the air.

I broke the silence by speaking up. "Thank you for today. You're the only friend I have." He smiled widely showing off his dimples. He placed an arm around my waist and pulled me into him, enveloping me in a hug. I didn't react at first, but my arms soon found their way around his neck returning the hug. 

"I hope we can hang out again, beautiful." With that he walked off into his apartment after shooting me another dimpled smile. I stayed still smiling to myself before finally walking into my apartment. 

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