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Tell Jeonghan to stop killing people ok? Ok



"You're not asleep yet?"

Seungcheol hyung's door opened and he peered out of his room, raising an eyebrow at me. Questioning why I was knocking at this hour, and why I haven't slept yet.

"Where's Hansol?" I ask, keeping my voice down, knowing that Jeonghan was in his room.

"It's late, Lia. Why do you want to see him now?" He asks me. It's two in the morning, and Hansol's not at home.

"Just tell me where he is," I pleaded.

Seungcheol hyung sighed, "He's staying at Soonyoung's place tonight. You might want to see him tomorrow, go to sle-"

"No, take me there now."

Seungcheol hyung heaved another sigh. I knew I was asking him a tiring favour, but alI I needed him to do was to drop me off at Hoshi's place.

I need to talk to Hansol.

Seungcheol hyung turned to grab his coat, and I could see Jeonghan lying down on his bed, his head propped on one arm and his other scrolling through his phone.

I eyed him from head to toe. He's different. It's not the looks or his appearance, it's the inner side of him that's different. Looking at him makes my heart hurt.

Jeonghan's eyes shot up from his phone to look at me and our gazes met, which I quickly averted mine, earning a soft chuckle from Jeonghan as he shifted on the bed, sitting up.

"I'll be back, just gonna drop Lia at Soonyoung's place kay? You can sleep if you want to, it's late and you're tired from jetlag." Seungcheol hyung tells Jeonghan, fixing his coat before he exits his room.

"Okay, Cheollie." I grimaced at how Jeonghan called my brother's name in a way that was so alluring, and I hated it. I hated it so much.

And even though I couldn't see Jeonghan, I could feel his gaze trailing up and down my sides, roaming every part of my body. His gaze was burning a hole at the back of my head, and I tried my best not to think of it.

The ride to Hoshi's studio was quiet, considering it was late and Seungcheol hyung was probably tired. And even if I felt sorry for him I couldn't bear to spend my time at home.

Seungcheol hyung is really clueless about everything isn't he? He never noticed my changes even if I made it as obvious as possible. I don't understand why he's on Jeonghan's side.

If only he knew what Jeonghan did.

"So, why do you want to see Hansol at two in the morning?"


Seungcheol hyung snorted, "Really? I thought you were sick a while ago, Jisoo told me."

"I am. And things at home are making me even sicker." I say, praying that the car ride to Hoshi's would end soon, since I didn't want to get into an argument.

"Do you not like Jisoo staying here?" Seungcheol hyung asks me.

"It's not him, it's Jeonghan."

"Well — what is it with Jeonghan?" He asks, pressing each and every word.

I held my breath, "Nothing. It's just that you don't know anything."

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