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Part IV: Love

After thorough study of the previous chapter, it is given that we are allowed to confirm at the fact that angels, too have emotions. Among all of them, the scariest is greed and jealousy.

Not just the negative emotions, angels can feel love. They can fall in love with humans, hate them, despise them, anything. It just depends on themselves, whether to resist the emotion; to bow down to God's orders or disobey. Either follow their instincts or shut down their emotions out with utter rejection.

We humans can never expect anything.

For this entry, I am writing on behalf of this topic based on what I know, and what I expect to happen in the future. I was never a fortune teller, but this will most likely to happen to other people who were guarded by angels, especially, my own family.

I am writing to those who are confused, helpless and in need.

As mentioned above, not only can angels feel greed, but they can fall in love too. These creatures are most likely to love humans no matter how twisted they are, just like what other creatures say. But it's never impossible. Love is not a question, even for these pure creatures. Once they fall in love, there's no turning back. They know how to choose wisely.

Love in this case isn't just in terms of lovers, but also in terms of family. God knows where these half-human siblings of these angels are, or whether they exist or not on earth. Not many stories were heard, but they exist. It's never a surprise to hear one anymore.

An angel's love for a human is simply beautiful, much much more beautiful than other things God has created. These creatures protect their loved ones with all their might, until things get ugly. Yes, even love can cause them to stray away a little too much for angels.

All the creations of The Above know that to love a human is forbidden. Yet some still break the rule; be it demons or angels. It was as if Earth was their hideaway, repeating the same history where they get banished from The Above over and over again. They know the disasters, the misery, the malevolence that would occur. Yet, their emotions won over.

An angels oath to protect a human could either be a miracle or a misery.

Once they swore to protect a man, the man's life depended on the angel's love for him. In this case, it never occurs towards all humans, but only special ones, the chosen ones. Since the man's life depended on the angel's love for him, it would bring him ultimate good luck and a good life, a peaceful death and a happy hereafter.

But if the angel changes it's mind, things will happen.

Bad things. Your life is on the line. The angel's love for you is like the oxygen that you breathe; your life depends on it.

If the angel's love for you darkens, then most likely, death will meet you.


Lia had never felt too good about this. What, you ask? Oh, maybe just her father's journal.

Jeonghan made her promise that she has to read an entry a day, and she wasn't really sure why she herself was obeying that promise he forced her to make. She could break it anytime though, finishing heaps of entries in a night, but her instincts told her not to. Like her father would actually pop out and tell her to close the book shut, keeping her promise.

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