Chapter 4: Unexpected Appearance

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(A/N): I'm sorry I think this chapter is pretty short but I had Writer's Block and it was hard for me to write this chapter. By the way, I live in the U.S., so words like, "flavour, colour, and honour," won't be spelt with the extra "u's" in them like places in Europe. And hopefully the next chapter will be longer and better! If you're reading this, thank you! And the story will get a lot more interesting from the next chapter or Chapter 6 and on, promise! Please be patient with me as it is my first story, and hope you enjoy!


Chapter 4: Unexpected Appearance

"Hello!" The curly-haired boy looked almost uncertain of the small smile that gradually spread across his face following his warm greeting. His tall figure casually lent onto the door frame to his right side.

"Hi." I forced a mirrored expression of the teen's face onto my own. I was still in disbelief of Harry's unexpected presence in the same place as I was for the second time today, somehow able to escape the hundreds of screaming girls not far away from our current location.

My eyes trailed over to my far left to capture the reaction of the shocked 17-year-old crouching beside me, dumb-struck; mouth wide-open as if she just received a death threat from the world's most popular killer. Her pale face said it all; her body remained completely motionless, apart from the extraordinary shiver running through every part of it, eyes still taking in every detail of our new guest's muscular body.

Our tentative eyes wandered around the surrounding place, trying to avoid contact with one another. With the exception of the soft pool rhythm wavering in the background, the aura of silence filled the features of the environment for only a few awkward seconds before Sal jumped out of her skin as a reaction to the Marimba ring-tone her phone played without warning, turning all our heads towards the source of the music.

The girl sitting less than 3 yards away from the celebrity's setting struggled for a moment before her own feet could be strong enough to carry her weight to stand up to her full height. Harry left his comfortable standing position and made his trip half-way towards her to help when he probably thought better of it, knowing fully-well trying to aid her would only make it worse for her to stand. She bent down to pick up her Coach purse, almost losing her balance trying to regain her full strength. I'm assuming she didn't notice Harry's attempt to assist her since she was facing away from him, eyeing me as I tried hard not to laugh. "Uh-um, it's my mom. She'll ki-kill me if I don't answer any of her calls. I-I'll be back." Sarah's stuttering was something I was almost never used to hearing. She was always someone who stood her ground to practically anything and anyone, and finding her in an unsteady and weak condition was something to live for.

As if on cue, the 19-year-old hurried back to his original spot right before Sarah could turn around to fully face him. She walked towards him and gave him one last look before wrapping her long arms tightly around his neck, whispering, "I love you," to his right ear, and disappearing into thin air. I could hear the sudden kill-off of the fading ring-tone down the hall as Sal picked up the call on her mom.

And now it was only me and Harry, left alone, again. I was feeling a bit casual earlier, thankful I wasn't obsessed with this boy-band as I probably would have acted even crazier than Sarah had done just a few minutes ago. But now it hit me that he was, after all, a celebrity millions of girls were dying to just look at from a distance. It didn't take me long to panic over something to say as he had found something to start a conversation with. But now I wished he hadn't.

"So, you were gone by the time I walked out. Why did you leave?"

I finally had the guts to take a good look at the prominent person standing at a much higher level than myself, looking tall and confident. His OBEY snap-back clung on to his mop of brown hair, brushed back neatly towards the top; the ends vanished under the blue hat, the brim reversed to face the back. His green V-neck T-shirt tightly hugged his fit torso, sleeves rolled up half-way to his shoulders. Slinky black jeans outlined every single muscle in his long, skinny legs. And his feet were placed in an All-Star white Converse. My eyes traveled back up to his face, scrunched up in confusion waiting for a reply; his dimples fading. I hated to silently admit to myself he looked quite handsome, but that wasn't going to make me give in so easily.

"Uhm, did you see this girl who just walked out? Who lost the ability to speak at your sight? I had to leave before she found out where I was, or she would have caused us some trouble back at Starbucks." I finally replied with a straight face, trying to keep as calm and reasonable as possible.

"Oh, makes sense." His cheeky grin caused his dimples to imprint back on both sides of his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile back, unfortunately, no dimples showing on my face.

Before he could ask further questions, he reached into his right back pocket and took his white Apple phone out. He slid his finger over the screen to pick up the call.

"Hello?" I coudn't hear the person on the other line to make up what they were saying, but I could tell they were in a hurry or a rush by the tone of their voice.

"Alright. I'll be there in a minute." Harry hung up and locked his eyes directly with mine.

'Will I see you girls at the show tonight?" His voice was calm and genuine.

"Yes. Most likely."

"Alright," his face lit-up with hope, as if I just told him he'd be winning an award tonight. His dimples dug a whole in his cheeks again, showing his white, perfect teeth as he opened his mouth to ask one last question. "I would like to stay but I have to go get ready for the show. By the way, are you going to the Meet and Greet?"

"Yea, Sarah is forcing me to go with her. Why?" I was getting a bit nervous at the questions he's asking me. Why did it matter to him, anyway?

"Just wondering." He shrugged, his smile fading away almost instantaneously at my question. "Well, better keep going; I'll see you in a couple of hours!" He smiled weakly and turned to grab the door handle. I heard his footsteps down the hall and before I had a chance to look away, I heard what sounded almost like a shriek of a mob coming from inside the hotel. "They found him," I laughed silently to myself.

I walked to one of the pool lounge chairs close-by to rest for a bit while waiting on Sarah, remembering I was locked out of our room because I had forgotten my entry-card inside when I ran out. I lied down for about two minutes, thinking about how I'll tell Sarah about tomorrow, enjoying the heat of the summer afternoon. The sun was hanging low in the sky, but not low enough to be out of sight. The sky was yellow-orange, partly cloudy, and the wind was just the perfect touch to the perfect weather. I pulled my hands up behind my head to lay on them just before Sarah stormed back out from behind me, slamming the door in the background, causing a loud thud.

"Ella is ill! She just got dropped off at the hospital! Mom said she'll be taking care of her and making sure she's alright for a couple of hours and then she'll come here to pick me up. So I'll probably be heading home sometime tonight, Kate!" Sal had to stop in between her short "news give-away" to take short gasps of air after her long run to get here, not noticing Harry's gone, surprisingly.

"What happened to her? Why's she ill?" Sarah walked up to where I was helping myself to a seating position on the chair. She threw her purse carelessly to the ground, not bothering to even glance back at it after it clattered beneath her.

"I don't know. Almost the whole call was basically me listening to Mom yell and yelp on the other side of the line. Her voice wasn't very clear, so all I could understand is what I had just told you." She replied worriedly.

"Well, calm down, Sal. Maybe she's just got some kind of virus and she'll be okay, soon."

"Um, I hope so. Sorry about tomorrow. I don't think I'll be staying."

I silently thanked God for the fact she won't be able to stay here for the night. But I was still worried about her little sister. I tried to create a mental agenda of how tonight and tomorrow should go like, but Sarah's question interfered.

"Where's Harry?! Did he already leave?? What! I didn't--" I wasn't going to put up with her crying and whining over him for the rest of the night. "Relax, Sal. I'm sure the boys are probably staying at this hotel, tonight. You might be able to see them after the concert. And you should get fed up with them in the next few hours, anyway. There's a sound-check, concert, and Meet and Greet; what else do you want?"

Sarah sighed, surely because she had to admit to herself I was right for the millionth time since we've met. She knows I usually end up right in most of our arguments, anyway.

"Well, I guess you're right. But I really wanted to talk to him personally. By the way, do you know why he came here?" She took a step closer and sat herself down to my left, picking up her poor bag and placing it on her lap.

"Like, I know he probably came to see you, but why? What'd he say after I left? And why'd he leave?" Her brain apparently started filling up with questions which is something someone as impatient as me hated to deal with.

"Sal, calm down. I'll tell you all that later. We need to go get dressed, now, so we can make it to the show on time before it gets crowded." She nodded in agreement as I stood up and helped her off her bottom and back into the building.


(A/N): So like I said, hopefully the rest of the story will be getting better from here on! Please don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it, it motivates me and helps me keep going and update faster! It also means so much! Please don't forget/ignore! Thanks :)

P.S.: If you're not on mobile, on the side, there's the outift I've described of Harry.

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