Chapter 7: Concert (Part 2)

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Chapter 7: Concert (Part 2)

"How am I supposed to know? Do I look like a fan to you?" My tone of voice was now gradually catching up to her's.

"Well, if anyone should know Harry's necklace, it would be the one person who saved him from his fans!" She yelled back, emphasizing the 'saved' and swiftly  snatched the Sterling Silver necklace away from my fingers.

Before firing right back at her, I decided against it, remembering it was her birthday after all. "Alright, Sal. I'm sorry. I'll pay attention next time". My sincere tone was barely heard over the sound of the concert, but she heard me and quickly picked up on my light humor and what I intended to do.

"No, Kate, there better not be a next time!" She tried to return the humor but we both fail miserably at trying to be funny, sometimes. I just smiled, nodded, and signaled to her to return her attention back to the concert to enjoy the last few minutes, totally dismissing the thought of the masterpiece that has caused this problem from the first place.

The second my trail of sight followed the stage, what seemed like a massive amount of cold liquid poured over my face, covering me and the crowd surrounding me in freezing droplets of water.

I ran my left and only dry hand over my right eye in attempt to regain half my sight that I just lost due to an excessive, hyper, band-mate's loss of control of maturity. I wasn't surprised when I looked up and Harry was right in front of us with an empty bottle of water and soaking wet hair. The chaos around us failed to cease as the fans screamed louder than ever, causing my head to hurt even more.

I groaned and cursed under my breath along with Sal whose phone was dripping in her hand. A short giggle escaped my lips and she tried to return the favor of being annoying.

"I thought you didn't curse!" She vigorously rubbed the poor device with the hem of her shirt in order to dry it but her shirt was even worse.

"And I thought you're smarter than that!" My intention was to lighten up the mood but a teenage girl at her idol's concert with a phone-that-was-supposed-to-take-videos-but-got-wet probably wouldn't find any humor in that. "Plus, you know I only curse when I'm really mad or annoyed..and its not really's a substitute." I tried to change the subject but it was too late.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and see if I can dry this before it's too late. Mom should be here any minute. Here, hold this. Don't you dare lose it or give it away! I don't want anyone to see it." I could barely make out her words as she handed me the necklace and disappeared into the crowd, stumbling over a few girls in the dark arena on her way out.

Right after Sarah walked out, the cheeky, curly-haired one wandered around the tip of the stage, with his right hand around his neck. He looked like he was looking for something and it didn't take me long to figure out what was going on. I raised my hand for a brief second to give him the necklace back but sudden fear overtook me at the thought of everyone noticing me, the same girl who 'saved' him from his fans again.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh, hurriedly stuffing the silver chain in my left pocket and hoping no one noticed it. I secretly apologized to Harry in my head, but I could be risking my life if I tried to give it to him right now.

He is staying in the same hotel, after all, I reminded myself. But then I might be gone by morning, I mentally added, running my right hand through the soaked strands on my head. I pushed the thought to the side, not wanting to feel guilty in advance of forgetting his necklace in my pocket, which isn't impossible.

"I want you to rock me, yeah!" the boys fished off their last song of the night." Not long after the boys thanked us and gave us a quick good night, the whole arena went almost pitch black and then beans of light streamed through the glass a few yards above our heads.

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