Chapter 8: Left Behind for Good (Part 2)

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(A/N): Hiiii, mates! 'Vas happenin'? Sorry I haven't updated in over a month. The plan was to post this over Thanksgiving break which I spent all break in an emotional breakdown :( Then the following week I had finals in school. So over all, there has been a lot going on but here it is finally: the second part of Chapter 8! Hope you enjoy! (:


Previously in More Than This:

He slowly got up and stepped carefully towards me, hoping I wouldn't react severely like I did minutes ago. And surprisingly, I didn't. My heart raced a little, but I don't think it was his looks; I was probably just still a little frightened, but his voice and soothing actions terminated my doubts a little.

He lightly hummed and his next words caught me off guard, making me feel uneasy again.

"I can drive you, if you want."


Chapter 8: Left Behind for Good (Part 2)

My heart metaphorically leaped out of my chest. If my ribcage didn't exist, the blood-pumping organ would be lying on the floor in front of me right this minute.

A million thoughts escalated inside my head, each one topping the other: How will he take me? Will we be alone? Will he really take me home? Will we leave right now if I decide to go? How does he already have a car here? Should I go with him? What will people say? How will we even leave the hotel room without getting mobbed??

I attempted to call out and ask but no noise came out. It seemed like to me like my vocal cords were still too shocked and scared to even vibrate through my throat, causing my lips to part and move without the intended effect I was aiming and  hoping for.

I felt my chest tighten but I could still breathe without serious trouble. I came back from my thoughts to find the curious teen staring at me, perhaps waiting for an answer...which I didn't have, yet.

"Well.." I could swear his voice cracked, which made me feel better realizing I might not be the only one uncomfortable in this small bedroom.

"Um, I don't know.." my words trailed, barely audible, but loud enough for his ears to catch. I struggled to get my thoughts together to try to figure out what I'm going to do about this mess I've gotten myself into, and that was when I started regretting this whole trip...that might not be ending anytime soon.

I know I needed a ride back home one way or another, but there were still more important factors to consider. Maybe someone else I actually know would be able to drive me or help me. Or do I have enough money to look for a train? What about my parents? They'd be mad but I should call them an—my phone!

My body and the mattress separated faster than magicians can make things disappear.

As I fiddled through the bed covers and pockets looking for my phone, I remembered where I'd last seen it.

"I left my cell-phone backstage at the arena," my words surprised me, not expecting or planning to say anything.

"You did?" The curly-haired singer seemed to have lost his inhibitions as his dimples gradually buried holes in his soft cheeks, and his white, straight, flawless teeth mesmerized me one more time.

I didn't really have an answer to why I found his smile so amusing or attractive, but it sure was an interesting enough question to keep me from wondering why he was smiling so cheekily from the first place.

Before I knew it, my eyes were wide open, staring at the familiar Apple device firmly held in his right hand, his beautiful face expression not ceasing for a second. As if it was a contagious reaction, my lip tips curved upward as well at the relieving sight.

Without thinking, I was standing only inches away from the celebrity in no time. He did not hesitate to kindly hand me back my phone and before it was fully placed in my pale palm, my fingers traced over the Home button and pressed. I cautiously repeated the action when I got no light-up response from the LCD Screen that now laid in my hand. I almost fell to my knees in despair after trying for what felt like endless times, Harry quietly and almost pitifully eyeing me.

His expression changed 180° after realization.

"Do you have an iPhone 4?" His British accent filled the space.

"Yes," I mumbled in reply. His face falls for a brief second and I can guess what he'll say next.

"Oh..I only have an iPhone 5 charger..I'm sorry". I could tell he was now having pity on me and that just made things worse.

"It's fine. I don't really need it," I lied. But I hate lying. "...not now, anyway. Not until after we leave."


"What?" His words repeated my silent thought in response to what I just heard myself say.

I was on such a hurry to correct my mistake, that I practically made it worse. I needed more time, not less.

"Umm, it's a 4-hour long drive...will you be able to do that?" I attempted to reject in the most indirect way possible, to cover up another mistake I've made once again. See? That's one of the million reasons I hate myself. I make so many dumb mistakes and end up doing even dumber ones to cover up the first. A breath I did not know I was holding escaped my desert-like mouth, still standing in the front of the teenage band member.

"It won't be easy, I can tell you that right now," he lightly chuckled in order to lighten up the mood, but I guess it wasn't contagious this time. I stayed silent.

"I can do it, though. I'll take care of it," he finished off with a sincere smile after sensing my uneasiness. The tension in the room was getting thicker and heavier by the second as time passed and no words were exchanged between us.

"So yes?" His voice finally broke the muted aura.

"A—yes," think before you speak, dammit! I mentally face-palmed myself as my jaws clinched at my thoughtless words. But it was too late to correct anything now...

"Great, let's go, Kate!" He looked a little more enthusiastic than he was at first when I woke up he— regained...regained

consciousness here..


(A/N): Sorry for any mistakes. The story has had over 4K reads but barely a 100 something votes. If you liked this, please vote and comment, it means so much! Thank you :)

-Tina .xx

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