Happy Soul~ Chapter One

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Eleanora lie in a perfect arched formation, her sleeping, rest body protected by a golden quilt. Only a quarter of the bed had been interrupted, her parents insisted of having a large bed, with the finest, softest sheets, but Eleanora’s petite, slim body was almost drowned in covers, she slept on the very edge, A slight bump in the sheets where her body layed, but over than that you would never know someone was in the bed, she must sleep peacefully, otherwise the covers would be crinkled, but not, at all, the slightest bit they where.
She stirred in her sleep, and her lips formed a smile, it wasn’t a big smile showing teeth, just arched lips, but that was enough to make anyone smile too. It’s funny, how smiles are catchy,  but not just smiles,  happiness,

Happiness, too.

If you spend your time with happy people, you where always happy too, if you even walk past a happy person, you would gain the happiness. But there’s a large, cold gap between happy, and a happy soul. People with happy souls, are always the best, positive and gleaming, radiating with happiness, they see the best in everything, and make the best with everything, they are happiness, happiness lives in them, it’s that kind of person that Eleanora is, she has a happy soul. Everybody can be happy, feel happy,  but it’s not the same, at all, happy souls, are the best people.

Eleanora reached and pulled and tugged to keep her sleep, she tried to stay asleep and not let herself awake, the dream was to good, the dream was what she dreamed in the day, but in her sleep it seemed more real, another life. But as much as she strained to keep her sleep her body slipped into consciousness.
She sighed at the sight of her ceiling, she knew she was back to her life, the one she hated the most, dreaming was the life she loved, the place where what her deepest wishes, became reality, when they couldn’t in real life. Her butler walked in and she perked up immediately, sitting upright in her bed.
‘Morning Christopher’ Eleanora said with the most perky voice she’d heard
‘Morning Eleanora, ahh, someone has had a good dream, tell me about it’ Christopher said, Eleanora liked Christopher the most, her whole life she grew up with cold bitter people, her parents and the butlers, they never smiled, their walk was dull and boring, they spoke only of important things and almost discouraged imagination. But Christopher was different, he had a heart of gold and was always smiling, well, not when Eleanora’s parents where around, no one could be happy when her parents where around, Not because they weren’t allowed, simply because you just couldn't
You see along with happy souls there are bitter souls, bitter souls where Eleanora’s parents, defiantly.

‘Well Christopher, it was you and I, and the world was our oyster’ Eleanora started, explaining her dream.

Christopher placed his tray, with Eleanoras’ Breakfast, on her lap, they shared the tray of food, as Eleanora continued’
‘Well, it was like this’ she started


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Author's Note
Silly me, forgot to tell you my name! My name is Jade Creber, If you wish to email me you can find me at
Don't be fooled by the 'UK' I don't live in the United Kingdom (:
Anyway How exciting?! FIRST CHAPTER! Whoo, and plenty more to come :)

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