Yes? Chapter 3

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Eleanora walked downstairs ready to meet her family. As much as she wished they weren’t her family. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she took in a deep breath and put on the best, fake smile she could perform

‘Hi Mum’ She chimed, as she did every morning

‘Darling we have spoken about this, you use a proper greeting, such as Good morning mother’ Her mother replied. Eleanora whispered as quietly as she could under her breath

‘Nice to see you, too’ In her most sarcastic, mocking tone. Eleanora glanced up to see Christopher, Standing against the wall in the most classed position, hands by his side, head straight, it was stupid that her parents made them all stand like that, couldn't they just give them a seat to sit on.

Christopher noticed Eleanora staring at him and he smiled, his hand made a small gesture to follow him, as he walked off

‘Uh, Mother, I would like to return to my room, to, make my bed’ Eleanora explained,

this was a terrible excuse

‘Don’t be silly, Get one of the maids to do it’ she said, this frustrated Eleanora, her mother just used the maids, she felt a heat rise into her head, and the anger spilled out

‘You don’t need to use the maids for anything they are people to as much as you think how good you are they are just as worthy as you, your money doesn’t mean a thing’ as soon as Eleanora said this she was taken back, by herself, it felt so good to let it out, but at the same time she had a large growing fear in her stomach to her mothers reaction. Which was bound to be anytime soon

Her mother glared at her, but then calmness filled her face

‘Fine’ She eventually said, the way she said it wasn’t as kind as what her faced seemed, it was strange.

Eleanora lowered her head and walked as quick as she could out of that room, before her mother or anyone else had a chance to say anything, she closed the door behind her, turned and saw Christopher, her grabbed her hand and said

‘Come see this’ He said, whilst pulling her hand, waiting for her to follow, Eleanora didn’t say anything to accept, she just gave in to his pull on her hand. They entered the butler’s and maids area,

Eleanora had never been there before, her mother never allowed her too.

They walked into their living area, which was a lot smaller then the 3 her family used, but still,

comfortably large enough to fit everyone, there was a large window that lead to a balcony, it’s strange, how Eleanora had lived in this house for so long, but never, ever, discovered this area of the house.

They stepped onto the balcony and Eleanora’s eyes settled on the horizon

‘Wow’ She said, it’s all she could manage to say

‘I know’ Christopher replied

They hadn’t released hands, they stood there, holding hands, watching the amazing sunrise that grew before them, it was silent, for a long time, until eventually the sun powered over the hills

‘Eleanora’ Christopher said

‘Yes?’ She asked, turning to face him, Christopher didn’t say anything, there bodies drew closer until there lips lured to each other and they shared the most magical kiss Eleanora had ever had, not that she had had many living in this house, she was only ever allowed to date who her mother approved,

kissing Christopher felt so wrong, but so right, she knew her mum would never approve, but that’s what felt right, and Christopher was someone she couldn’t ever live without.

‘Let’s leave here’ He said pulling away from the kiss

‘Are you crazy?’ Eleanora stated

‘For the afternoon, let’s leave, get away from here’ The look in his eyes, it was incredible, a happy soul.

‘H-How’ Eleanora was phased, but excited, she almost never left the house, only to walk the streets and almost promote her family, make a good impression.

‘Our own little adventure, please’ Christopher begged

‘Tell your mum you’re going for a walk in the garden, I’ll go check the lawns, meet me in the very back corner behind the stables, we’ll have fun, I promise’

Author note

Hi guys! The next chapter is where the excitement begins i promise! Please keep reading, vote, share, it would mean so much to me you would never understand! xx

This chapter looked alot longer on publisher...

Also i'm probably changing the name for the book, as soon as i get a new cover together


Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.

''''Mother Teresa~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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