Being Harry

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Hi there. I'm Marcel. Wait a minute; hold the phone! I'm actually Harry Styles. Well, I don't know, this is complicated! My sister Janet explained everything didn't she? I think she did. Anyway, we became Gemma and Harry Styles and our mum is now Anne Cox. That's not hard to remember, I always called her Mum. The agent that is looking out for us is supposed to be our dad, Des Styles. he and Mum never married, which is horrid! People will think such things! Mum would never do such a thing! But it's keeping us safe. Well, I've gotten a job at a bakery and made some friends. Will Sweeney is my best friend now. He doesn't know anything about Marcel. Shhh it's a secret! I used to slick my hair back, wear my shirt tucked in, wear glasses and talk rather quickly. Now I'm supposed to let my hair hang loose like a barbaric caveman, un-tuck my shirt like a hooligan, wear irritating contacts AND talk like a person who has barely received an education. It's humiliating. Still, life as Harry is okay. Working at a bakery is pretty fun and today I was singing while I worked and my boss said it sounded nice! Maybe I can be more than just nerdy Marcel. Marcel could have been something! Now, I want to make Harry a somebody. I have to go bed now; got to be up bright and early for school tomorrow.

Author's note- this is more of Harry/Marcel's thoughts and not a real chapter per say. haha it's fun making Harry talk like this. i'm planning on making this go up to the present, but we shall see. please, please review and vote? thank you all SO much!

Much love,

Emily Horan

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