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Hello everyone. Harry here, but to you I'm also Marcel. My sister and I are writing this journal so someday we can remember everything. It also helps with the secrecy. I hate lying to Will, but if I told him the truth, we'd have to move. School is... Different. Obviously, it is a different school, but I can't answer everything right. This is horrible. "Marcel's" intellectual abilities are so superior that I would be receiving a lot of attention if I was getting those grades. I have to purposely answer things wrongly or just do no work. I prefer just avoiding some assignments, so that way the pain of lying on one doesn't tug at my heart. I just goof off with Will. Mum is wary about this whole thing; she's not even sure we need the protection. Yes, she loves Janet and me, but this whole situation has been hard for her. If she saw that man when he swore to kill us, she'd probably want us out of the country. We've been here in Holmes Chapel nearly a month now. I think Janet is enjoying it, but we all miss the family and friends we left behind. One thing that helps me is that I've found a way to channel my genius. Into cheeky remarks. I've turned the smart into wit, I suppose. Not all adults approve of it, but I'm much more popular at school. I'm trying to use less of a vocabulary in speech and in writing, but sometimes I seem to fail miserably. At school, I occasionally say a word that either no one else in the class has heard of, or it's a word they wouldn't dare to say in school and I try to cover up with a joke or just by flashing them the biggest, cheekiest grin I can. Seems to be working. Now I am going to Will's for dinner and Jan- I mean Gemma, would like to write.

Gemma/Janet POV I was hoping this journal would help me and Marcel not tell people our secrets and it seems to be working. I haven't changed psychically much, unlike Marcel. My hair, that used to always be in a tight bun, now flows down my shoulders and blows in the wind. I like it. I'm also wearing more teen-looking clothes, rather than those of a businesswoman. I'm in college now, but I'm still a kid. Des, our agent that pretends to be our dad, checks up on us every now and then. I just want to know if we will always have to do this. Is Janet really gone? Am I going to be Gemma Anne Styles for the remainder of my life? What about Marcel? I was always smart, but never a genius like Marcel. He could have been ANYTHING with his brains. He knew it too. Now what's he going to do? Work at that bakery until his fingers fall off? I want Mar- Harry to make a name for himself. I want to talk to him and Des about it, but I don't know. One thing that has improved since we moved here is my luck with boys. Marcel if you read this, DON'T bother asking me anything about it!

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