chapter Two: Red Lipstick

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"Come on have a seat." Laney urged, somehow making me comply.

I sat down next to Colton and he put his arm around me. The action didn't comfort me as much as I would have liked it to.

"God did you see Natalie today? It's so obvious she got extentions. ugh, her hair is horrible!" Teresse scoffs while taking a sip of her iced coffee.

"Not as horrible as Gina's skirt! Like are you kidding me? What is this? The god damned fifties?" Melanie continued to gossip as all the girls made more and more comments about other innocent girls in NYA.

"So what do you think about Camille?" Laney asked with great curiosity.

"Oh I dont know..." I trailed off.

"Surely you have some sort of opinion on her! I mean, she used all that foul language!" Melanie seemed upset that I didn't join in on their gossip.

"Well I mean.. she seemed a little scary I guess? With all the piercings and the lipstick and the jet black hair and all of that...." I quietly answered.

"Yeah totally!" Laney clasped her hands, happy that I finally shared my thoughts on someone with them.

I guess this is how girls bond?

I mean, I wouldn't know really because my only real friends that actually still talk to me are my two cousins and my sister. All my friends from highschool and whatnot lost touch with me and left me for cooler people. So I just burried my face into books and cracked down on my studies so that my future would be more successful than any of theirs ever could be.

"Hey so, Ella, we're having a party tonight at our house. Would you wanna come?" Laney asked sweetly, staring at me, waiting for a reply.

"A party? Really? Well what would I wear and..." I never picture making friends on the first day of college, much less getting invited to a frat party.

"Come to the Beta house at seven. you can wear anything you'd like and we can do your makeup and hair for you!" she squealed.

"Uhm... sure?"

"Yay! Oh this is going to be so great! We'll teach you how to be like us! You'll meet alot of people tonight that are the type of people you'll wanna stick with while you're here at NYA. Gosh, aren't you glad that you have us to help you?" Laney hugged me from across the table and as she left the cafe, so did Melanie and Teresse. Liam, Lance and Aaron went to a table full of whorish blondes in the tiny cafe we were eating in.

"So... are you guys regulars here at this cafe?" I asked, trying to get some sort of normal conversation started instead of that cruel gossip the girls were indulging in a few minutes prior.

"Yeah, since it's right accross from school, pretty much everyone goes here. All the druggies usually sit outside by that oak tree." He pointed out the window to chase and Camille and the rest of their friends. A joint was being passed around, each member of their group taking a long drag.

"It's nice outside this time of year, do you and your friends ever sit outside?" I asked curriously.

"No. It can be humid and bugs fly into your food. Plus the wind would just screw up the girls hair and god forbid some of those drugs floated through the air into our airways, the next periods would be a blur and we wouldnt be able to focus on our learning." He pointed out while I was still absent mindidly staring out the window. My eyes were fixed on saphire gems framed with long black lashes. They were now a bit red rimmed, but still as bright as ever. they almost looked even more present with this new addition of red at the rims. It made the blue look even more pure.

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