Chapter Seven: A simple mistake

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Ella's POV:

I lay in bed on that beautiful Friday morning, taking in the bright early day light that began to stream through the uncovered window at my bedside. Cam was fast asleep, heavily snoring, face down in her pillow, due to her unpleasant hangover that steamed from last nights outburst and steady flow of alcohol to her teenage mind.

All classes were closed today because of the fight that broke out yesterday. Apparently, one of the boys was planning to sue the other and so the police had to check out the 'scene of the crime' -as the lady on the phone so nicely put it- and collect evidence against the defendant.

I sighed loudly, suddenly feeling terrible for my friend who was furrowing her brows and groaning slightly because of her headache.

"I've got a banging headache you know; can you shut the blinds?"

"We don't have any remember?" I laughed getting out of bed, pulling all my hair to the side, running my fingers through it to tame it.

"For fucks sake we have nothing in this godforsaken dorm room!" she groaned again, flopping back face down into her pillow. This of course caused me to laugh.

I walked over to the small kitchen our dorm possessed. (My parents used their high status and 'endless riches' as they so lovely refer to it to make sure my dorm was equipped with a bathroom, large window, small kitchen and decent sized closet.)

The kitchen consisted of a stove range with only two burners, a tiny microwave, some vintage looking, pale yellow hued refrigerator from like the sixties and a modest sized counter top.

It was a small kitchen but, it was a privilege because very few dorms had one. I personally adorned it because it was vintage looking and everything was in great working condition.

I put the tea kettle that I filled with water on the stove range and took out two mugs, two English breakfast tea bags, and a bottle of honey along with two tiny spoons.

Soon enough, the kettle was whistling, signalling for me to take it off the range. I then poured the hot, steaming water into the pretty, white mugs and let the breakfast tea steppe while I woke up sleeping beauty.

"Hey Cam!"

Tiny mumbling.


Faint groan.

"Excuse me Camille will you please wake up!"

No response but her usual snores.

I poked and prodded at her shoulders but the hopelessly hung over brit wouldn't wake.

The door handle jiggled a little and swung open with a loud swoosh, causing the wind to blow through my golden strands of long, luscious waves as the god like creature strode in- quite uninvited may I add- into our dorm.


"O-oh, uhm good morning." I stammered, running both my hands through my hair to steady myself.

"Morning." He smiled genuinely, walking towards me. His lips twitched up in a slight smirk, causing me to step back and face away from him. I hurried over to where I had placed the mugs of tea.

"Tea? Coffee?" I asked timidly as I stirred some honey into both of the mugs.

"Sure, tea would be nice." That smile came again, making my cheeks florid as I turned back around to grab another mug to poor the hot water in.

I felt heavy footsteps vibrate the floorboards as they came closer.

"Is uhm... breakfast tea alright?" I ruffled around in the box of tea samples I had gotten before I came here.

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