Chapter One: The Ideal Seat

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Ella's POV:

I pushed my black, wire rimmed glasses further up my nose and blinked a little bit to adjust to the new level of sight.

"Ella Darling?" The male teacher called out at the front of the class.

"Here!" I announced clearly so I wouldn't be marked absent.

The whole class was currently standing at the front of the classroom, waiting to be told what our assigned seats would be. I was silently praying I would get the front row, preferably the desk closest to the door, right against the wall. It's right across from the teachers desk so if I have a question, it's a shorter walk to his desk.

"Chase Hemingway." The teacher called out.

No answer.

"Chase Hemingway..." His voice grew louder.

Suddenly a tall, guy barged into the classroom. His dark wash skinny jeans clung tight to his body, a simple white tee adorned his toned torso that was scattered with black inked images, the cigarette rested easy in between his plump, pink lips that held a smirk. His noir colored hair was wavey -like mine- as it was pushed off his forehead with a black bandana, the pieces swirling around to create a perfectly messy (if that even makes sense) quiff.

His jaw line was structured and made me feel weak in the knees somehow.

Focus Ella. Focus on the seating arrangements.

His eyes... God his eyes... They were an a dark ocean blue. That clear blue that you see in pictures of exotic islands and beaches. They were such a dark, almost eerie blue that they appeared black at first glance. That dark, brilliant yet bright aqua that is so vibrant it seems to be self luminous. Like the sun itself.

Those dark sapphire orbs that shone like stained glass with flecks of silver and a lighter shade of aqua near his (rather large) charcoal hued pupil were framed with the longest, black lashes i've ever seen on a guy. When he blinked, those sinfully long, black lashes would skin the very tops of his cheekbones, making my cheeks become a bright crimson.

What am I even-

"Ella... Ella!" Our teacher nearly screamed, waving his hands in front of my face.

I blinked a few times to regain focus.

I pushed my glasses further up my nose again-a nervous habit-and my lips parted.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered nervously as I noticed chase's eyes were fixed on me as he was laughing with a bottle blonde and two buff looking guys.

"I said, you're seat is number twenty four."

"Oh. Alright but uhm I was wondering if-"

"Go find your seat Ms. Darling." He told me rudely.

I swallowed my comment and trudged back to my seat, which was all the way in the back. The back corner which was even worse.

"Ally Jones? Seat twenty two. Bret Spahn, seat seventeen, Brittany Fitz seat eight..." He rattled off the names while I began to scribble in one of the pages of my notebooks. I can get through this class somehow even though I can barely see the board and I didn't even get my ideal seat.

"Hey there, Ella is it?" A deep voice interrupted my thoughts. It held a slight rasp to it that made my stomach do flips.

I didn't even look up. I just nodded silently and continued to scribble in my notebook.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

I couldn't answer, all I did was slightly shake my head 'no'.

"I'm sorry," the make presence pushed his plump lips to my ear, send hot breath down my neck, igniting a spark deep within me I hadn't even realised I ever possessed.

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