Chapter Six: Kissed With The Wind

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Ella's POV:

My head was spinning in circles over and over again. My insides felt like they were floating away, my lips still tingly.

I had gotten my first kiss.

But not just with anybody, no. With Chase. As soon as he came close to me, as soon as he told me about his love for reading, as soon as he blushed, as soon as he opened Gone With The Wind, I knew I liked him.

"Do you want me to walk you up to your dorm or do you want to stay here and read for a bit?"

"I'd love to stay." I told him, a huge grin evident on both of our faces.

We were no longer touching shoulders as we got absorbed into our books. Chase would occasionally splash his toes in the water making me faintly giggle. The sky was now even darker than before, the stars barely coming out, a sheen of moon light penetrating through the trees, creating a natural reading light.

"Come here." He laughed lightly, tugging me to his body. His arm was around me, encasing me in his warmth.

"Can... can you read me some of the story?" I pleaded with him, knowing he would say no anyway.

"Erm.. uh... yeah I guess if you want. Yes I'll read it to you. Scooch over a bit more though love so you can follow along if you'd like." He casually said although my heart fluttered when his raspy accent had referred to me as "love". I guess he really is British.

I rested my head on his shoulder, eyeing the words underneath my black rimmed glasses as he read to me.

"She meant what she said, for she could never long endure any conversation of which she was not the chief subject. But she smiled when she spoke, consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies' wings. The boys were enchanted, as she had intended them to be, and they hastened to apologize for boring her. They thought none the less of her for her lack of interest. Indeed, they thought more. "

"You have a lovely accent." I covered my mouth, the words not supposed to come out but nevertheless, there they went.

"Thank you. So do you, you know."

"I don't have an accent." I giggled, swatting his arm.

"Well, to me you do. I'm not American so i'm used to English accents."

"Why do you, Camile and Nate all have accents? Are you all related or something?"

"Well, Cami and I are cousins and Nate's been my best mate ever since we were in our cribs. Our mothers are best friends." He explained while we made occasional eye contact.

Suddenly, a light misty rain began to fall from the sky, making the air smell refreshing and the greens of the leaves glisten in it's intensity.

"Shit. It's raining." Chase huffed, ruffling his hair a bit.

"I don't mind at all. If i'm being honest, I love the rain."

"Do you really? But, wouldn't it smudge your make up? Ruin your hair? Stain your clothes?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Yes I do! And why would I care about all those things?"

"Well, most girls care about that stuff that's all." He shrugged. Which had to have been the cutest thing I had ever seen in my entire existence.

"Well," I copied his smug tone, "I am not like most girls, Chase."

"I know that." He smiled genuinely, two dimples peaking out.

The mist was now turning to drops which were cold, making me even more cold than I should be.

"Are you cold?" He questioned, sincerity evident in his accent.

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