~4~ What Now

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(General POV)

The rays from the sun were beaming into the room where the women were entangled into each other. Laura was facing away from the sun so that they were hitting her bare back. Taylor, who was facing Laura, had the beams of light in her face. Taylor began to open her eyes slowly, and when she opened her eyes fully she immediately smiled seeing that Laura was right in front of  her, sleeping soundly. Taylor laid there and stared for a few minuets then brought her hand to Laura's back and moved her fingers up and down Laura's spine. She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Laura's fore head.

(Taylor POV)

She looks so peaceful. I wonder if she felt the  kiss. I prop myself up onto my elbow to support my head and make me taller so i can run my fingers through Laura's raven black hair. I really enjoy playing with her hair, i really enjoy her. Ughhh I have so much to say but I can't say it to her face, im too nervous. How do I even say it? Okay idea!; I'll practice now(while playing with her hair) so it's some what to her face but not because she isn't aware of what I'm saying to her because she is asleep, but she can also be aware because she is conscious so...jesus! okay Taylor you're confusing yourself. Calm down, i took a few seconds, alright here goes nothing...hey cutie, i know you're asleep but i wanted to say this even though you may not hear it or know this happened. I uhh, i like you a lot. The day i met you was the day i started to fall for you, actually it was the day i fell for you, hard, i feel hard and it left a couple of bruises but with the love you have been giving me, the bruises are gone. Your love has healed me. I remember the first time i saw you i thought, wow she is hot i want to get to know her. I wondered what you were like, what type of laugh you had, what your interests were, all the dumb things that  no one cares about. And when i got to know you, Laura Prepon, i have to say you are the best person i have ever met. I have never been with someone as extraordinary as you are;and I've been with a lot of different people in my life but they can never be equivalent to you. Laura what I'm trying to say is you're so special to me and i didn't know what happiness truly was until now, especially with you naked underneath these really soft sheets with our bodies tangled together. So thank you Laura.....not that bad Schilling. Okay, now we wait until she wakes up.

(Laura's POV)

I woke up to her. I have never smiled first thing when i have woken up before but seeing Taylor, it felt so good, so right. I look up and see those blue eyes, i could stare into those eyes all day. Wow my head feels great, what is that? No way, she is playing with my hair. Okay, i seriously never want this to end.
"Hey kiddo"
"Hey you, how did you sleep?"
"I sleep amazing knowing you were here with me..you know, i haven't been happy in a very long time and you have helped me find happiness again. Im so grateful for you Tay, and i want to thank you so much." I looked back up to her face, a tear was streaming down her cheek. I wiped it away. "Hey hey hey, why are you crying?" She looked into my eyes, she started to whisper something,
"No one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. I have never been so happy in my life, because of you i feel alive, i want to get up in the morning, you are a blessing Laura, and i just wanted to thank you for caring for me." I looked into her eyes and moved in to kiss her. Our lips met, and we have kissed with passion before, but this was different from any other kiss. Ive said that before but this kiss. The kiss was really different. It was filled with care, passion, love. I pulled away my eyes still closed, after a few seconds i hear Taylor.." Please don't ever let me go..."
" I will be with you until i breath my last breath..okay?"  She nodded her head yes.
"Hey isn't  it my turn to take you on a date Prepon? Because last night was a date you planned. So yeah, its my turn." She said with a smile. "Alright alright...where and when is this date beautiful?" She blushed every time i called her that.
" I dont know. But i will let you know when i figure out the details cutie."
From that moment we took a shower and had a quick make out session. We climbed back into bed and watched movies and ate snacks all day because we didn't feel like being adults. We were inseparable the entire day, we had separation anxiety when one of us went to the bathroom. Living like this, with Taylor, i could get used to this. I really care for her. I like her a lot. I love her.holy shit....I love her.

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