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Laura downed her 5th shot of the night and was feeling pretty good, considering she was drinking away her feelings. But no matter how many drinks she had all she could think about was Taylors phone call. Who was this person? Why is she saying those things to them? What did I get myself into? Questions like this went through her head as she continued to down shots left and right.

"Take it easy there kiddo, don't wanna see u get too fucked up." A strange yet deep voice came from behind Laura. "Im fine" she said while turning around to see a man as tall as her with jet black hair and blue eyes.
"The name is Mike." He said with a sheepish smile. "The names Laura" she mocked as she did a drunken curtsy. "And why is a beautiful lady like you drinking alone at a bar?" He asked. Laura rolled her eyes. "Good try buddy but im taken." She says as she pats his chest and turns around.

"Oh come on. Not even a little something for good old mike over here?" This caused Laura to turn around quickly and give him a glare that could kill. "Listen buddy, I dont give a shit-" but she was cut off mid sentence. "Babe, is everything okay?" She felt an arm wrap around her waist and then a kiss on the cheek. She turned her head to see piercing blue eyes. She only sees them for a moment before they are on the tall man. Mike's eyes widen when he realizes what type of shit he just got himself into. "Um excuse me, is it mike?" She nods. "I think that my girlfriend here has already told you that she is taken. So i don't see why you need to continue to take to her. Right?" He nods again. "Good, now het your ass out of here before i beat your ass." He nods once more and apologizes before disappearing into the crowd. Taylor turns to Laura and kisses her softly, even though all she can taste is liquor she has missed Laura so much. "Come on, lets get you home." Taylor said against Laura's lips. Laura simply nodded and followed Taylor out of the bar.

The girls made it back to Laura's place safely, only with the exception that Lauren is passed out in the passenger seat. Taylor smiles at the sight of the older women in front of her. Although she likes the sight in front of her she has realized that she needs to get Laura inside the house. Im going to have to drag her, She thought. After about a minute she unbuckled her seatbelt and made her way around the car. She opened the passenger door and immediately decided that dragging her was not an option, so Taylor decided to do what anyone else would do. Pepper kisses all over Laura's face until she woke up.

After about 4 minutes of kissing Laura's face she finally stirred awake. "You know your probably the most beautiful girl I have ever seen?" Laura asked groggily causing Taylor to chuckle. " Thank you baby, but we need to get you into the house now okay?" Laura nodded her head in response and took Taylors hand. The journey into the house wasn't as bad as Taylor expected but once the two women got to the stairs, Taylor knew that it wasn't gonna happen. "Hey Laur, I don't think you're going to make it up the stairs." Laura looked at her, "pshhh come on babe, I'll crawl up the stairs."

"WHY DID I BUY A HOUSE WITH SO MANY DAMN STAIRS?!?" Laura yelled after getting three fourths up the staircase. Taylor could only laugh seeing how it took Laura about 7 minutes to tackle 10 steps and she still had about 6 more to go. "This is your fault for wanting a big house." Taylor finally answered. "But we only have 3 more steps!"

5 minutes later the girls enter Laura's' room. Upon entering Laura immediately sheds all her clothes leaving her in a matching black lace undergarment set. Of course Taylor stared and it didn't go unnoticed "If I wasn't drunk, i would do you. But, i am drunk and really tired. So tuck me in." She said crawling under her blankets. "Are you 5 now?" Taylor looked at Laura. "Uhhmmm duh." Laura replied causing the two girls to laugh. Taylor huffed in defeat and dragged her feet to where Laura was lying. After pulling the covers over the older woman's body she gave her a delicate kiss on her lips. "Laur I have to go but I will call you in the morning okay?" Laura groaned. "Noo stay here, please? We will only sleep. I promise." Taylor feeling exhausted herself couldn't find a reason to deny the offer, so she shed all of her clothes and crawled under the blankets. Almost immediately Laura pulled Taylor into her front spooning her. After about 10 minutes Taylor was in a state where she was relaxed but not asleep. Laura lifted her head to see if Taylor was sleeping and once she found the girls eyes closed she laid her face in Taylors neck.

"You're mine. All mine. And you're going to be mine. Even thought you don't know it yet." Laura whispered against Taylors neck. But what Laura didn't Know is that Taylor heard everything.


A/N: sorry if this chapter sucks, and sorry for the irregular updates. Its not edited sorry. I have a lot going on lol. These AP summer assignments are kicking my ass. But i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.



how is your summer going? Lol im all over the place😂

Love you guys!

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