Phat is me Honey Chapter 2 (urban)

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Chapter 2

Man I'm ready to go this day cannot go any slower. I finished my English exam so I'm waiting for the bell to ring. I have to sit here for 30 minutes I guess I should right in my diary.

June 12, 2013

Dear diary,

Have you ever felt like you will never know what real love is? Not just the love that your close friends and family give but a man. I want to know what it feels like to have him rap his arms around me and make me feel safe. I want him to be happy that he's with me. I want a men that's going somewhere with their life, respects me and my wishes. It may seem like to ask for but I should have nothing but the best. I refuse to settle for less. Yes I may be fat in some eyes, but in someone eyes I'm beautiful. If it doesn't bother me it shouldn't bother who I'm with. We got together to better each other not change each other. Only thing I'm change is my last name unless I want to change myself. You can't force yourself to do something you're really not mentally ready to do. It doesn't matter how much you love someone.


Beautiful Honesty Jones


Thank god that's the bell.

"Have a nice summer students." My teacher Mr.Blessing said.

"Beautiful come on, Lyfe is outside waiting and you know how he gets when we take too long. I'm not trying to hear his mouth." Kim said popping her gum.

"I'm going as fast as my short fat legs will take me." Kim lapped her eyes at me.

Kim hates when I call myself fat. Sometime we spend hours just arguing about my body and what I call myself. She says, "You need to stop calling yourself fat Beautiful. Yea you thicker than a snicker bar and got a ass fatter then a swamp possum with the mumps, just a little and I do mean little stomach. Girl if I had your body I would show it of honey." I just roll my eyes. As long as I love me it shouldn't matter what I call myself.

We walked outside and Lyfe was waiting with someone in the front seat of his 2010 Range Rover sport.

"Kim and Beautiful bring yall asses I got thing to do." Lyfe yelled from the car.

"kiss my ass Lyfe." Kim mumbled. She knew better than to say it out loud or that would be her ass. There is no doubt that Lyfe loves Kim, but he doesn't take to kindly to disrespect from anyone.

Lyfe must have heard her because he got out the car and walked straight to us. "shit." I cussed silently to myself.

"What did you say Kim." He growled. They were chest to chest staring at each other.

Kim sighed heavily, "I aint say nothing Lyfe." She rolled her eyes and popped her gum.

"I thought so now get in the got damn car. I told you I had things to do." He turned away from us and walked back to the car. The guy in the front seat was laughing.

"what the fuck is funny Jayceon?" Kim said walking up to the car.

"yall." He said pointing to Lyfe and Kim.

"Man shut up and get in the back." She opened the door for him to get out.

"Are you serious?" he looked at Lyfe.

"Man just move so she can shut up and get in the car."

When he step out I think I stepped in to heaven. He had the body of a god. He looked about 6'5 honey brown skin, he had tattoos all down his arms and the pretties brown eyes. I must admit he can dress to; he had on a Bulls jersey, cargo pants, Bred 11's, one diamond earring and a Bulls snap back to top it off. Muscles in all the right places, lord forgive me for I have sinned, well not yet.

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