Chapter 6 - Too Much.

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**A/N: I wrote this when I was 13/14 and do make reference to topics relating to mental health. I was young and did not have a full understanding of the reality of some of the issues I do mention. Obviously, it is not always depicted in a realistic manner and is not necessarily true reflection of these issues. If you are struggling please reach out:)

Trigger warning: fainting, hospital **


>Lilly's P.O.V<

"What the hell happened?" I guess a bit of anger came out in my voice. I was sick of running around like this. It was adding to the stress of work. Maybe adopting Ellie wasn't a good idea. This was becoming too much...


I felt like I was going to pass out, all the stress was building up on me. I just wanted this nightmare to end. I loved Ellie so much but there was something that she wasn't telling me. Sometimes I just wished I had a normal life. But this was the life that I signed up for. And I didn't know what it was.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

Lilly had snapped at me and then she locked herself in her room. I stuffed everything up. I was ruining everyones life because of my own crappy life. I didn't get why I couldn't just have a normal life. My didn't my biological parents love me? I read through my records, in which I always kept hidden in my bag.

Ellie (surname unknown), abandoned at 1 year and 2 months. Currently in the care of Lilly Singh.

My life sucked. I don't know why someone as amazing as Lilly would want me, an abandoned, unloved stuff up. I had no social life and no friends. And me being here wasn't helping Lilly live her life. Then I heard a loud bang, it came from Lilly's room.

Lilly, why did you have to lock the freakin door?

I kicked it with all my strength, causing a small hole, just the right size for me. I crawled through the door and while doing so I felt a sharp pain near my hip. But that didn't matter, I needed to get to Lilly. There she was, lying unconscious on the ground near her bed. I called 911:


Operator (A/N: I think that's what they call those people): Please calm down.


I gave him my details and about 5 minutes later the paramedics were here. I had clearly been crying. They checked Lilly's pulse. She had a pulse but I was scared. What had I done? This was all my fault. We went to the hospital and I sat in a chair for hours watching Lilly. I could hear her faint breathing. Eventually I must've fallen asleep.

~7 hours later~

It was 11pm and I woke up. Lilly was still unconscious and there was a nurse in the room writing something down on a clipboard. She reassured me that Lilly was going to be ok but I was still stressed. She looked exhausted, even though she was unconscious. What I didn't know was what her job was and how much stress all the conference calls and hours of working was putting on her.

I fell asleep again at what I think was around 12.30am. I woke up at around 6.50am from the sounds of someone in the room. I looked up. I would've sworn Lilly turned her head and looked at me. But according to the doctor in the room nothing had happened. Then another nurse walked in to take some information down.

Nurse: What is the condition of the patient?

Doctor: Unconscious since last night.

Nurse: What is the patients name?

Doctor: Um...*flips through paperwork* Lilly Singh. 2 l's.

Nurse: *drops clipboard and jaw drops* THE LILLY SINGH?

Doctor: *clearly confused* pardon? Yes that is what it says here.

Nurse: Can I see the patient?

Doctor: Go for it but we don't have time to play around.

Nurse: OH MY GOD it's her...THE LILLY SINGH. Make sure you take extra care of her.

I was so confused...what had just happened? Why did the nurse go so crazy when she saw who Lilly was? People seemed to know her. Was her face on an add or something? Why did so many people know her? The doctor looked just as confused as me, "Whats so important about Lilly? Is the name out there or something?" "I honestly don't know."

>Lilly's P.O.V<

I woke up. Where was I? I felt weak and I tried to sit up but couldn't move. No one was in the room. I assumed I was in a hospital considering all the needles stuck in my wrist. What had happened? I moaned and Ellie came running in. "LILLY!" She gave me the biggest hug I had ever gotten. "I just found you...on the floor," she was crying.

The doctor walked in. "She is conscious." He was addressing a nurse. When she walked in she dropped her stuff and screamed "OH MY GOD". Ellie mumbled, "again." What had happened when I was out. How long was I out for?

I was discharged at 9am. Ellie asked, "why was that nurse so crazy? She dropped her clipboard when she saw your name." "fan," I mumbled. Thats when I remembered that Ellie didn't know about Team Super yet. When we got back to my apartment Ellie made me go to bed and made me a hot chocolate. I was so happy that Ellie was so kind.

She had been wearing the same clothes as the day before and thats when I noticed a post it note on her back. It said 'adopted cutter'. How did they know that she cut? "Ellie, what happened yesterday?" She gulped and I could see her eyes tearing up. "They saw. They said my parents don't care about me and pulled my sleve up. I hate my life, sorry for making yours so hard, I should just go."

Me: no you shouldn't go, I love you.

Ellie: Thats what they all say, right before they abandon me.

Me: I promise I will never do that to you. I love you.

Ellie: I just don't know anymore.

Me: I need to show you a few videos.

I knew exactly what I was going to show her. But how would she react. A lot of things would begin to make more sense but I was still nervous...

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