Chapter 25 - First Day.

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This family holiday had been one of the best things to ever to happen for both Lilly and Ellie. Lilly had finally taken a break from the internet and her work which was a first. Many times in the past she had taken quick breaks but this was the first time she fully disconnected herself. Ellie was part of the reason she did so but there is also such thing as expensive phone bills when your out of country.

As quickly as the holiday began it ended. The flight back home, straight to LA, felt like one of the longest there was. It was never ending. Mostly because both Lilly and Ellie knew they had to go back to reality. Even though Ellie had a huge summer break to look forward to she also would definitely miss the amazing Australian weather.

~ two months later ~

> Ellie's P.O.V <

Unfortunately summer break had come to an end. It definitely didn't feel like it had already been 2 and a half months but believe it or not it was already September. I was really excited to finally see Hanna again though, we hadn't really had time in the holidays to catch up. We did text and facetime a lot and had become a lot closer. She was pretty much my best friend. I was excited and nervous to move schools, I knew I would have Hanna by my side and I was excited to make new friends.

For the first time ever I actually woke up decently early, Lilly even had time to make me a proper breakfast, fake bacon with eggs on toast! After I got ready I texted Hanna.

Me: Hey, I'm leaving now, what time you getting there?

Hanna: Leaving now aswell! So excited to hug you baba

Me: Im even more excited :)

As I got to the front gates of my new school some of my anxiety began to return. I was scared. I felt like I was about to break down right when Hanna popped up behind me. All nerves gone. I had missed her so much. She gave me a huge hug and we took a couple snapchat selfies together! "Reunited with this one," I captioned. Man i missed her so much!

Then the bell rang. The bell was a loud 2 dings. We then check our timetables which had been emailed a couple weeks prior and saw that we had all the same classes! I love how state schools actually listen to your requests. We used a random, tattered up school map that we found on the ground to make our way to our first class. Hopefully all would go well...

> Lilly's P.O.V <

It was already Ellie's first day back and I was definitely going to miss having her around. I just want to go and pick her up, and go to our favourite fro-yo place on the corner. Knowing I can't do this I try to keep my mind off it by having a quick nap. When I woke up I checked her timetable to see that she was about to go to recess. I texted her "How's your day going hun?" and anxiously sit around my phone waiting for a reply knowing that she probably wouldn't have time to check her phone until the end of the day.

> Ellie's P.O.V. <

I just got out of science with Hanna and i see that Lilly has messaged me. "Hows your day going hun?" and I laugh a little. I can tell she's really nervous for me, and it's kinda cute. I leave her on read for a minute to tease her a little. "It's going really well! I like it here, and I'm making friends. Science was so much fun, our teacher let us do a really fun experiment where the bowl of stuff was solid when we went in fast, but when we went in slower it was like a solid. It was awesome! Hope you're having a good day too Lilly, i'll see you when i get home xx"

It was true, Hanna and I had made some amazing new friends. As the day went on all the anxieties I had at the start lessened and I was happy and comfortable. We sat with these really nice girls at recess, their names were Jess, Jordan, Khatii, Rebecca, Chloe and Alana. They made sure we felt welcome and even though I had known them for less than a day I already felt part of their group.

I also kinda missed the squad from my old school but we were going to try our best to catch up, it's not like they lived that far away anyways.

> Lilly's P.O.V <

It was nearly time to pick Ellie up. I had really hoped that she had an amazing day because I hated ever seeing her upset. As I slowly got out of the car and spotted her...the smile on her face made me realise everything was going to be okay...



Im so so so sorry for like disappearing and I'm going to try to update as much as I can but school is getting really crazy yet again!! Thanks to Jane from jane the virgin for inspiring me with her fast writing to finally write a chapter haha

Also thanks to my everything jordyjazz1_ for helping me with this chapter. I love her so much!

I love you all so much!

~ nic xx

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