Chapter 8 - Discovering Ellie.

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>Lilly's P.O.V<

My hands were sweating as I finally gained the courage to press 'upload'. I then tweeted about the video being very close to my heart. I decided to take Ellie shopping so we could let the video reactions come in. I knew my Twitter was literally going to blow up. I was feeling a crazy rush of emotion. I didn't know how Team Super would feel. 

Ellie and I went to Forever 21 and spent much longer than we should've in there. I still wasn't feeling 100% but I loved shopping too much to not shop. We then got some food. After that I decided it was time to get Ellie a phone. We went to the Apple store and I got her an iphone 5s. Now she could even interact with Team Super if she wanted.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

I was excited but worried at the same time. What if Team Super didn't like me. Lilly was amazing and I was just a depressed teenager with no friends or social life. I hadn't even seen the video, what if I sounded like a total idiot? I probably did. Especially next to Lilly, who had been public speaking for like 5 years. When we got home I sat alone in my room. I didn't have any urge to speak. 

Then Lilly walked in, "You have to see this Ellie!" I slowly got up and followed her into her work area. I had never been up there and the view was amazing if I may say so myself! She had twitter up on her screen. "Look Ellie, they made you a hashtag!" It said #TeamSuperLovesEllie and it made me so happy. I decided to watch the video on my new phone. 

Lilly: Wuddup everyone its ya girl SUPERWOMAN and todays video is gonna be a little bit different, but its very close to my heart. There is something i've been keeping from you for about 2 and a half weeks. Something big. Something life changing. 

She paused for a bit as a tear rolled down her cheek. 

Lilly: And you know I hate keeping things from you but hey, I'm telling you now so I hope we can still be friends! This secret involves a person. She is 13 years old. And her name is Ellie. 

I then was shown in the frame.

Lilly: This is Ellie! And she is my daughter. 

We then continued to say random stuff. I did stutter a bit but Lilly said I was very good, especially for the first time. Lilly's social media had literally blown up. We decided to make me an Instagram account. My username was @iiellieii. Lilly then took a few selfies with me. How was she so good at selfies. *self esteem all washes away*. Lilly posted the picture telling Team Super my username and the next thing I knew I had so many notifications that I needed to turn them off. 

~2 days later~

>Ellie's P.O.V<

It was Monday and I was going to go to school with a positive mindset. Lilly decided to get me some hush browns from McDonalds for breakfast. When I got to school and got out of the car a bunch of people started running up to me. "ELLIE IS THE VIDEO TRUE?" "CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?" "CAN I MEET SUPERWOMAN?" People were actually being nice to me...thats when I realised, they were only being nice because Lilly adopted me. I didn't know how to react. I didn't give out any autographs because its not like I was famous. 

>Hanna's P.O.V< 

I don't think the fact that Ellie was Lilly's daughter had really hit her yet. She didn't know how powerful Team Super really was. Oh how a wave was about to hit her. We sat against a wall near the side of the school, where students weren't allowed to go. She followed me on Instagram and complimented my latest post. We weren't allowed on our phones either. I thought we should put them away because I didn't want to get Ellie into trouble but it was too late.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

I loved that Hanna accepted me for who I was, and not because Lilly was my mum. She was my friend before Lilly posted that video. I felt happy for the first time in a long time. We were sitting together where no one was disturbing us. I didn't think we were even allowed in that area of the school. 

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