Chapter 9 - Work Overload.

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**A/N: I wrote this when I was 13/14 and do make reference to topics relating to mental health. I was young and did not have a full understanding of the reality of some of the issues I do mention. Obviously, it is not always depicted in a realistic manner and is not necessarily true reflection of these issues. If you are struggling please reach out:)

Trigger warning: fainting **

>Lilly's P.O.V<

Every possible swear word was going through my head. I had just been informed that I would have to fly to New York for a shoot. I couldn't get out of this. Where would Ellie stay? It was too early in the relationship to tell her about him. I tried to calm down. I had two weeks to sort this out. It was gonna be okay. 

Ellie had just gone to school so I was going to have a work day. Maybe I could call him and see if he could come to LA for a week to watch Ellie, but would she be comfortable? I had to do something. Too many thoughts were going through my head. "Thats it Lilly! You need to take a break" I walked to Chipotle and got a Sofritas Rice Bowl (like usual).

I vlogged for a bit, "Guess where I am? GUESS! Hmmmmmm" I but a mouthful of chipotle in my mouth and smiled. Team Super knows whats up! I was feeling a bit better. I looked at the time. 1 hour until I had to pick up Ellie. I decided to go wait at the cafe near her school. We could get a milkshake or something. 

>Ellie's P.O.V<

Lilly looked stressed when I left in the morning. Hopefully she would have a rest for once. I was very tired. I was starting to get a lot of homework and I didn't have much time to hang out with Lilly. Assignment after assignment was given out. I guess year 7 isn't easy at all. But like Lilly said in one of her videos, you don't get anywhere if you don't work hard.

I sat in class in a bored state. I just wanted to go home. As the last bell rung I sprinted out of class along with everyone else. I also got my phone out straight away and texted Lilly.

Ellie: Hey Lilly where are you?

Lilly: Same cafe as usual! do you want a milkshake?

Ellie: Sure! 

I walked to the cafe. I was walking with Hanna until she saw her mums car. I kept walking. I spotted Lilly. She was vlogging! As I approached she turned her camera and said "ELLIES HERE!!!" I smiled as she turned it off. "So how was your day?" Lilly asked. "Good, how bout you?" "A but stressful but I had chipotle so its all good!" 

>Lilly's P.O.V< 

A wave of happiness hit me when I saw Ellie. Something about her presence. After sitting at the cafe for about an hour we went back to my apartment and Ellie went to her room to do homework. "Come out when your done!" "Okay." I made some pasta, nothing too advanced. I left it to sit until Ellie came out. I did a few emails until I realised it was 10.30pm. What was Ellie doing? I walked into her room and she was asleep leaning on a half done math worksheet. I looked at the pile of completed homework. There was a lot.

"Ellie," I whispered. She moaned. "Come on, lets have some dinner." She lept (A/N: I can't spell...) to attention when I mentioned food. We went down stairs and ate. Ellie said, "I still have homework." What? How does a seventh grader have so much? "You are not doing anymore. I don't care, if the teacher says anything tell her to call me and ill sass her out!"

>Ellie's P.O.V<

Lilly always makes me laugh! But I don't want to get into trouble again. But Lilly said it was okay. But... But... It was all becoming too much. I stood up to walk to my room as my vision went blurry. I kept going. Tears began to well up in my eyes, my vision was getting more blurry. Black walls started to cave in. Then nothing. 

Adopted By Lilly SinghWhere stories live. Discover now