Chapter 11 - Whats wrong with her?

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**A/N: I wrote this when I was 13/14 and do make reference to topics relating to mental health. I was young and did not have a full understanding of the reality of some of the issues I do mention. Obviously, it is not always depicted in a realistic manner and is not necessarily true reflection of these issues. If you are struggling please reach out:)

Trigger warning: fainting, blood, hospital **

>Lilly's P.O.V<

It was Friday and I didn't know weather to send Ellie to school. She was missing too many days but she still wasn't well. There was only so much I could do, Ellie's health was more important. I was staring at my screen thinking about this. I had pulled another all nighter editing a secret project and it was nearly 5am. No point sleeping now.

>Humble's P.O.V<

I hated seeing Lilly so stressed. The lack of sleep was really adding up on her and not to mention all the stress because of whats been happening with Ellie. I just wanted everything to be back to normal.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

I woke up and I felt much worse than the day before. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I felt a weight on my head. I checked the time. 6:45am. Lilly walked in and sat on the side of my bed. "How are you feeling?" I replied, "Not well." She felt my head and whispered to Humble, "She has a really high temperature." Lilly sighed as she told me to get up to eat. I looked at the egg not wanting any. I had no appetite what so ever.

>Lilly's P.O.V<

Ellie wasn't herself. She had a temperature and wasn't very steady on her feet. I knew that I should take her to the doctor but I only had free health care in Canada. But her health was more important. I looked at her. She was spacing out. "Ellie." "Ellie?" "ELLIE" No response, no flinch. Then her face hit the table. "ELLIE." Humble ran over and we lifted her up. Her face was bleeding because her face hit my glass table. "Call 911 Humble." He did what I told him to do. I put her on the floor and tried to stop the blood.

The ambulence finally come and yet again Ellie was going to the hospital. Humble and I drove and when we got there Ellie was still unconscious but they said it was probably because of the anaesthetic she was on for pain relief. I sat in the waiting room while they were stitching her head up. I found myself biting my nails again. I was trying to tell myself that everything would be alright but for the first time I didn't know if it was going to be...


A/N Sorry for short chapter I promise im going to get back into updating! 

~ Nic

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