Chapter 3 - Opening Up.

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>Ellie's P.O.V<

Lilly shook me awake. "Ellie, I have a surprise for you!" I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes, it was 10am. "Ok!" I replied. Lilly showed me some jeans and a shirt that said 'What the Shemurr?' on it. What on earth did Shemurr mean? I put the clothes on and put an old jumper on top because it was cold. It was pink and said NIKE in the middle. I also put on a nice pair of purple converses.

All my stuff was packed in a suitcase. Maybe Lilly didn't want me anymore. And just when I began to trust her. Lilly walked in again, "Lets go!" She sounded cheery as usual. I got into the passenger seat of her car and we listened to the radio. She sung along quietly to the songs she knew. Then we ended up at the airport, what was going on?

"Ellie, I want you to meet my family." I then realised that Lilly did accept me. Unless this was a trick. "We are flying to Toronto." I had never been to Canada so that sounded cool. A couple people seemed to be pointing at Lilly but I didn't know why. One even asked her for a picture.

>Lilly's P.O.V<

I could tell Ellie was suspecting something when a fan came up to me and asked for a picture. Ellie stood there looking confused as to why someone wanted a picture with me. When we got onto the plane we were given a packet of nuts and a drink. We both got lemonade. When we finally arrived we got our bags from baggage claim and waited about 20 minutes for an Uber. Ellie said, "I'm nervous". It was the first time she had expressed much emotion to me. I replied by saying, "there is nothing to be worried about."

The Uber took the long way and the traffic was terrible so it took a while to get back to my place. My parents were expecting us and were going to cook some butter chicken and roti. I hoped Ellie liked Indian food! We were going to stay there for 2 days and Tina and the boys were going to come on the second day.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

Lilly's house looked huge! She explained that she would show me where she used to get lots of work done. Lilly opened up the door and we were greeted by Lilly's mum. She gave me a hug and said "Welcome to the family!" I thanked her. We then sat down for dinner. Lilly had her phone on the table and there was heaps of Instagram notifications coming through. "Oh my gosh! I left my notifications on!" She turned them off and continued eating. Why was she getting so many notifications? Why did people want a picture with her at the airport?

She showed me her old bedroom. There was snapbacks stacked on her dressed and hanging off her bed frame. There was also lots of posters on her wall next to her bed. I blurted out, "I love your room!" and Lilly said, "I'm glad you like it!" She showed me the guest room and then said, "we will be having a little sleep over party in the basement". The first thing that came to mind was "Why the basement?"

When we went down I realised that it was well furnished with a T.V and even a separate study. We set up mattresses and blankets on the floor and sat watching movies for a few hours. The Hunger Games was very good! We then went to sleep.

>Lilly's P.O.V<

I woke up and checked the time on my phone, it was 12.37pm. I was seriously messing up Ellie's sleep schedule but it was worth it. She rolled around and said, "Good morning!" I informed her that it was not morning and we both laughed. We then went upstairs where my sister greeted me. She was early. Oh how my nephews were so cute!

I then took Ellie out for lunch. She was starting to talk much more. "I can't trust many people," she explained, "every time I start to trust someone they let me down. Whenever I am adopted I always end up back at the orphanage within a month because of abuse. I have never felt loved." It literally broke my heart to hear this.

"Well no matter what I will always love and care for you," I replied. Now I understood why she was so nervous. Why she was so quiet. The way you are raised can have a huge impact on you and how you view life. We continued talking until about 3pm. We then went back home.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

I felt great opening up to Lilly. She seemed to understand and I think she isn't like the others. She treats me equally and not lower. Something was still strange though...why did so many people know who Lilly was? Was she making a video when she was talking to herself the other night?

~2 days later~

>Ellie's P.O.V<

We arrived back at LA airport at around 11am. It was Saturday and Lilly said I would start school on Monday. I was very nervous because people always judged me and treated me differently at school. But Lilly said it would be ok so I trusted what she said.

>Lilly's P.O.V<

I was nervous about telling Ellie about how she would be starting school. I knew that she hadn't had the best experiences but I was confident that she would embrace the new situation and thrive. Ellie didn't show much emotion when I told her but I could tell that she was nervous. Since it was still Saturday I wanted to make the most of the weekend.

That was when I didn't make a video on Thursday. I also hadn't vlogged since Ellie came. I decided to vlog for a bit, "Hey Team Super, sorry I haven't been very active, I've had personal things to deal with but I'm back! So I'm not doing much today just work." I then turned my camera off. I wasn't sure when I was going to tell them about Ellie. How would they feel?

I made a home made pizza with tomato and cheese. Ellie enjoyed it. We then watched YouTube on my laptop. I showed her some of Colleens videos and some of Fousey's videos. She wasn't very familiar with the world of YouTube but she seemed to like it.

>Ellie's P.O.V<

The world of YouTube seemed really cool. I didn't quite get how it worked though. Lilly said that she had to go on a conference call so I just watched more videos on her laptop. I went to bed at about 11pm. Lilly had gotten off her conference call but she was working. I didn't know what she did for a living though. I guess somethings take a while to find out. 

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