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It was ten minutes past midnight, I laid in bed resting my head on Peter's chest, listening to the pounding of his heart. His heart was racing it almost sounded as if he was scared. I couldn't tell if it was because of Derek or if it was because of what happened in the woods, or maybe both. "Peter..." I said between sobs. "I think it was..." I clenched his shirt in my fists. "I think it was me..." I took a deep breath, I felt as if I couldn't breathe And tears streamed hard down my face. I was barley audible as I spoke.
"Why would you think that?" He asked concerned while wiping my cheeks as best as he could, but my tears were falling too quickly for him to wipe away. So instead he held me against his chest so I could cry into his shirt.
"Because when I woke up..." I took a long breath. "I swear I could taste blood" my voice was shaking I didn't want to believe that it could be true, that I could do something like that. Even if he deserved it.
"I'll do some research Amelia, I'm not sure exactly what's happening, but maybe I can figure it out." Peter said holding me tightly.

I wasn't able to sleep at all that night. When 5:30am in the morning rolled around Peter sat up to go.
"Please Peter just stay a little longer I'm sure Dad won't be up until at least seven" I pleaded with him terrified to be alone. Peter laid back down and turned onto his side so that I could bury my face into him. I finally cried myself to sleep until 7:15am. Peter was still holding me in the same position as I woke up. Peter kissed my forehead long and lovingly.

"Baby, you better go, Stiles has to go to a cross country meet and will need to be getting up soon to get ready, meaning Dad will be coming up the stairs soon." I said softly into his chest. Peter quietly slipped out of the window. I decided to lay in bed for a couple more hours until getting up.
At about 10:45am I went down to have breakfast with dad. I pulled a box of Special K cereal out from the counter and sprinkled sugar on top of it then added some milk. "Good morning sleepyhead how was your night last night?" The Sheriff asked me without looking up from his newspaper.
"Honestly I had a pretty bad night I slept pretty poorly. I think I'm just gonna stay around the house today since Sti and Scott are going to their Cross Country meet." After finishing my cereal I went up to my room and grabbed the bottle of Excedrin that Stiles had got for me the night before. I took two of them and then headed off to the bathroom to shower. I turned the water on lukewarm instead of burning hot water like usual. I stayed with my hands plant it against the wall letting the water fall on my neck and shoulders soothing my headache just a little. As I close my eyes flashbacks from the night before played through my head I remembered things that I didn't remember before. I wasn't sure if my head was just making them up trying to make sense of what it happened or if I was truly remembering what happened.
When Eddie crawled on top of me I scratched his chest just as hard as I could noticing that claws came out of my fingertips. As he grabbed his chest in pain I bit onto the shoulder as hard as I could. I swear I could feel my eyes change color almost a burning or itching sensation, and I also could swear my teeth shifted but not like Scott's more like they were all sharp daggers. The worst part of the memories was I think I licked the blood off of my fingers when I was done.
I stepped out of the shower and dried off blow drying my hair and getting dressed. Since I planned to stay around the house all day with Dad I slipped on my comfortable white cut up skinny jeans and The Who baseball shirt that Peter had given me the night before. I walked back downstairs to find sheriff on the couch reading over case files.

"What is your case over?" I asked him curiously taking a seat next to him.
"Apparently there was another animal attack last night up in the hill near Lydia Martin's house did you happen to hear anything?" He asked glancing over at me.
"Uh, no the music was pretty loud, I honestly doubt anyone could hear anything up the hill." I lied. "Are you going to be working the case?" I asked him.
"I was thinking about going in, but I think my deputies can take care of it, it is just an animal attack you know?" He answered closing and setting the file on the coffee table. The Sheriff walked into the kitchen to pour another cup of coffee for himself. When his back was turned I open up the case file and looked at the photos the bite mark on his shoulder was sharp every single tooth made an imprint into it. The scratch marks on his chest were deep... so deep that you could almost make out his breast bone if it weren't for all of the blood. I looked at my fingernails curiously but they were clean no blood, no dirt, no anything." I quickly put the case file back together as the sheriff turned around and entered back into the living room.
"So I guess it's just you and me today Dad, any plans or would you like to do something together?" I asked him. The Sheriff thought for a moment.
"Hey you know what we could do?" Sheriff asked and I waiting for him to reply. "We could take the 90 mile drive to Paradise, California they have a new Hall of Music Museum open" he finished. I smiled.
"That sounds like fun actually, I say we do it! And it just so happens I may be wearing the perfect shirt for that" I laughed. We loaded up in my truck and headed 90 miles south of Beacon Hills. I let the Sheriff drive since he knew where we were going.
"The truck seems to be running well, any problems lately?" He asked trying to make conversation.
"Well to be perfectly honest the starters working fine but I think there's something wrong with the fuel pump when I start it I'm usually having to rev my engine until it stays running." I answered honestly. The text tone of my phone buzzed as I finished my sentence.
S- {Amelia I think we have a problem, Scott isn't healing. The slash on his side is still bleeding. 11:57am
{Oh shit, Stiles what can we do? I mean I'm pretty far away so I can't help much but you have to do something. Where are you guys? 11:59am
S-{I don't know, the middle of nowhere, but Lydia and Allison are behind us, we will figure something out. I'll keep you updated. We both love you. 12:03pm

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