Last night staying with Peter

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I woke to the sound of light snoring coming from Peter, he was holding me so close to his body that I could feel the mixture of out sweat between us. All the sudden I felt my heart race. Peter must of heard it as well because he stirred as he woke up. "What's wrong?" Peter said groggily.

"Nothing's wrong." I answered. "Everything is perfect." I added. Peter snuggled his face into my neck and breathed in my scent. He moved his arm to place his hand over my heart.

"If it helps anything... My heart is racing just as fast." He whispered as he turned me placing my own hand on his chest. He was right his heart was beating just as quickly. We both knew what it meant and what we wanted, but we fought every urge and kept our promise to take things slowly. Peter kissed my forehead and got up to take a shower. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 9:45am we slept in pretty late, but then again we didn't get back to Peter's apartment until almost midnight and after that we stayed up talking.

I made my way into the kitchen and searched through the cabinets and fridge to find something I could whip up for Peter to eat for breakfast. I found a loaf of bread and an idea sparked. I looked around to find





And Vanilla Extract.

I really needed half and half but I could substitute some milk instead. I preheated the oven and began mixing the butter, cinnamon and sugar together with some canola oil. I spread the mixture onto four pieces of bread and placed them into the oven to toast. I made the egg mixture just as if I were making French Toast. As soon as that was done I soaked the toast in the mixture and put it on the griddle.

I poured some coffee and set the table just as Peter came out from the bedroom the sweet smell of his cologne following him. He came up behind me "Something smells good." He said.

I turned into him and hugged him. "I was about to say the same thing." I said into his chest. "Sit down sweetheart, I'll make you a plate." I told him as we made our way to the table. I put some toast on a plate and handed it to Peter. Before I could even sit down with my own plate Peter had finished half of his. I laughed.

"What is this? It's amazing!" He said his mouth full of food. I chuckled and let him swallow the giant bite he had put in his mouth.

"It's cinnamon toast, french toast." I said awkwardly I didn't really know what to call it. Peter shoved more in his mouth. I smiled and took a long drink of my coffee. Peter continued to shove his breakfast into his mouth until his plate was empty. I smiled at him, would you like some more? I asked still smiling. He shook his head no, so that I could finish my breakfast.

After breakfast we went and sat on Peter's couch my legs perched in Peter's lap. He was rubbing my knees and ankles, he could tell that they were aching. "Why are your legs in so much pain?" He asked looking at me with such care in his eyes.

"I have very early onset RA , my knees and ankles are most affected.

"Why haven't you told me before?" He asked as he continues to rub on them. I didn't answer for a while then stated.

"Well I've lived with it for so long I guess I just never thought to mention it, it almost never stops me from doing things. Unlike this head wound that is kind of pounding this morning." I looked up at Peter and he leaned down to kiss my wound.

He hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear. I looked up into his eyes.

"Don't be sorry Peter. I've lived with it for a long time now. It's okay I'm on medicine... it doesn't help a lot but they're trying." I said with a hopeful smile, but Peter could see I had no hope. None that this pain would ever go away at least. He put his hand on my cheek and shook his head no.

"You don't have to lie to me Mil." He looked into my eyes with such sympathy, almost like he wanted to say something but he kept quiet for a couple minutes as I just let him continue to rub on my legs. "What would you like to do today? This is your last night staying with me if I'm not mistaken?" It suddenly hit me. I felt like Peter and I had been living together my heart felt almost an ache, a breaking feeling.

"I just want to spend ever second I can with you. Talking, knowing everything about you. You knowing everything about me." I answered I flipped over so that my head was in his lap instead of my legs. He stroked my hair as we talked. I told him about going to an all girls school. About the only boyfriend I'd ever had, we never had sex, he was sweet and caring but had a temper. He would get drunk and hit me. I always covered the bruises by saying I wasn't careful around the farm animals. I told him about the hatred I held in my heart over my father abandoning me. I told him that I still loved Stiles and would always be there for my twin because twin blood was thicker than not visiting. Maybe it was Sheriff's fault we never saw each other. I had never talked to Stiles about it but I loved him.

He told me about biting Scott about trying to build his powers. Wanting control because he had none. He told me he was trying to not let the need for power control him anymore but it was hard. He told me that coming back from the dead, using Lydia, was painful and that he was weak. He told me he wasn't sure he could ever trust again.... But he was willing to try, and I agreed.

Peter got up to use the restroom and I glanced at the clock, it was 4:30pm. As he reentered the living room he stood looking at me. "I was thinking we could go pick up a pizza and rent a couple more movies. I know we did that one of the first nights you were here but it was also one if the best nights I've had in a long time?" Peter asked.

"Hmm on one condition." I replied. Peter waited for me to continue. "We get some ice cream as well?" I smiled. He smiled to match mine and grabbed his keys. We loaded up and headed to town.

We were in the movie store looking through DVDs I heard a familiar voice. "Do you have a DVD copy of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' the voice said. I peeked around the corner to see Sheriff standing at the help counter. I smiled. 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' was Stiles and my favorite movie, Sheriff use to make us hot chocolate with marshmallows and we would all sit in front of the TV watching it. Before the Sheriff turned and saw me I ran around the corner and found Peter. I shoved my hand into Peter's pocket and grabbed his keys. His face flushed red.

"What.... What are you doing...?" He asked trying to make his blush go away.

"The Sheriff is here I'm going to hide in your truck just pick anything out, I'll be happy with it." I said quickly and quietly running out.

I ducked as I saw Sheriff walk to his blazer and pull away. Not long after Peter came out carrying two movies. He hopped in the drivers seat and we made our way to go get pizza and ice cream.

Our night went as planned and as I cuddled up with Peter to fall asleep I had us face each other, our legs entangled and holding hands. I slept soundly though the night without one nightmare.

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