Lunar Eclipse: The End of Ms. Blake

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"How long until the full moon rises?" I asked Peter my eyes staring off into space as he held me.

"Four hours..." He replied and held me tighter.

"Why haven't I heard from Stiles yet?!" I said angrily. I pushed myself out of Peter arms and off of the couch. I walked over the window and beat my fists against it. Peter walked up behind me.

"Amelia he will call. We will find your father and the others. Please come back over to the couch with me. He tried to turn me to face him but I refused tears were down my face and I didn't want Peter to see my frustration. He pulled harder and forced me to look at him. "It's okay to be scared, it's okay to be frustrated... Hell it is okay to be angry as you have ever been in our life." He pulled me into a hang and I let my tears stain his shirt. We sat back down and I picked my phone back up staring at the blank screen. After about three and a half minutes my phone rang. I answered it so quickly I didn't even check who was calling.

"Amelia!" Stiles said loudly.

"Yes Sti, I'm here have you found anything, anything at all?"

"We know where they are!" I met Stiles at the Clinic as Peter stayed with Derek who had healed Cora but was weaker than ever. As we talked to Deaton about to do Ethan came in wanting to see Lydia.

"I need your help" Ethan said.

"With what?!" Stiles cut in.

"Stopping my brother and Kali, from going to kill Derek.

I texted Peter to tell him what Ethan just told us, I told him that Lydia, Ethan and I were on our way to Derek's.

"We know about the Lunar Eclipse so don't think Kali is going to wait around to level the playing field, she's coming my brother's coming with her." Ethan said to us.

"Good enough for me Derek." Peter said

"You want me to run?" Derek asked.

"No... I want you to stay and be slaughtered be an Alpha with a foot fetish... of course I want you to run. SRINT, GALLUP LEAP YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS TOWN!" Peter said harshly.

I stayed quiet; I knew Peter knew what was best.

"You if you want to fight and die for something, that's fine with me but do it for something meaningful," Cora cut it.

"How do you know I'm going to lose?" Derek asked smugly.

"I don't but I bet she has an idea..." He said directing his attention towards Lydia. "Don't you Lydia?"

"I don't know anything." She answered.

"But you feel something... don't you?" Peter spoke to her.

"What do you feel?" Derek asked.

"I fell like I'm standing in a graveyard."

I got a text from Stiles.

S- {We are going to get Isaac and Scott to catch scents to help find the Nemenon.

{Okay let me know of anything happens, and Stiles thank you for keeping me updated. Ethan has explained to Peter, Derek and Cora that Aiden and Kali are after him. Peter is trying to get him to run, I'm not sure it's going to work.

Derek and Cora left town and Peter told them to call until they are at least a hundred miles away and Peter and I went back to his apartment to wait. I received a text from Lydia.

L-{Blake just showed up and his fighting the Alphas I don't know what to do.

I read the message to Peter and he told me to text her back and tell her to hide and stay quiet. So I did. Even though I was sure there was no where she could be safe but I also knew Ethan would protect her if he could.

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