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I sat in the driveway listening to Black Sabath's "War Pigs" blast through my truck's speakers. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes trying to let the music clear my mind from today's events. But Scott's words echoed in my mind.

"You seem angry."

I think it is a rational response to become angry when you're elbowed in the jaw, and then head butted in the nose. But I couldn't help but also hear Aunt J's words ringing in my ears. 

"Hunny Sirens are dangerous when they are angered. They could hurt anyone, even loved ones."

I let out a heavy sigh and killed the ignition. I grabbed my bag and walked into the house. Dad was sitting at the kitchen table nursing a glass of whiskey and reading over a file. 

"Hey?" I said as I set my bag and keys down on the coffee table. 

"Oh, hey Milly. I thought you'd be out all night." He said without looking up from his file. 

"Yeah, change of plans." I said as I walked over to the freezer and took out an ice pack. I placed it against the bridge of my nose and winced. Dad had still not looked up so I went and took a seat across from him at the table. "What's got you up at this hour?" I asked.

"Wha-" He said before glancing at his watch. "Damn, 1am. I didn't realise it was so late." He said as he set the file down. "Christ, what happened Amelia?!" He asked as he finally got a look at me.

"Oh you know, the life of fighting crime." I joked. He gave me an un-amused glare. "Nothing to worry about Dad. Mrs. McCall looked at me and said my nose isn't broken and to keep ice on so that it wont swell and bruise to badly." I replied casually, the last thing I wanted was him to ask to many questions. He just hummed a reply as he took another swig from his glass. "So? What's wrong?" I asked again.

"What do you know about Peter Hale?" He questioned. I froze for a moment.

"Uh. Uhm, well, I know a little. I know that he's Derek's Uncle. uh, why...?" The question caught me so far off guard that I almost worried that he would see that I wasn't telling him everything. But he just took another drink and opened the file.

"He murdered the guy with no mouth that I was arresting." He slurred.

"WHAT? ARE YOU SURE?" I almost yelled as I dropped the ice pack and fully sat up.

"Well, yeah... He did it right in front of Derek and myself." He said before taking another drink. "Then just walked away... I let him... I let him walk away." He almost whispered.

"Dad, it's not like you had much a chance of stopping him, so please don't beat yourself up over that. And at least he killed another killer... Right?" I tried to reason.

"Why are you defending him Mil?" He asked as he looked up at me, narrowing his eyes.

"I.. I'm not. I'm just saying, don't be too hard on yourself Dad." I said as I picked the ice pack back up and placed it onto my nose before standing up and walking over to him. I took the glass of whiskey from his hand and placed it on the bar. "I'm going to bed, I think you should do the same." I told him. 

"Yeah, you're right." He said looking up at me. 

"Goodnight. I love you Dad." I told him as I patted his shoulder.

"Night Mil, love you too." He replied.

I headed up the stairs and into my room I threw the ice pack down on my desk and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Derek Hale and pressed call.

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