10. Getting Close

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**It's backkkk! After a long awaited time, the next part of this story is here. For those of you who are new to this story please feel free to check out the back parts so you're all caught up on the families story.

Part 1 - Can I Trust You With My Heart

Part 2 - Come Home With Me

Part 3 - Til The End of Time.

And as always thank you to Miss stefanie_brito for helping me. She was my room designer. Thank you lady! Enjoy!

Pregnancy - Week 30

"Makssssss!" Peta yelled for her husband. She was standing in the kitchen when she realized something.

"What? Are you okay? Are Ella and Joe okay?" Maks said as he came flying into the kitchen, his socks slipping on the hardwood as he made a crash landing at his wife's feet.

"Oh my god, Maks!" Peta said as her eyes grew huge.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." He said as he stood up and looked at her. Her body started shaking with giggles as she realized he was okay.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. You just, that...I'm sorry." She said as she controlled her giggles and moved to press a kiss to her husband's cheek.

"Whatever, miss." He huffed but laughed as well. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just wanted to talk to you about something." She said with wide eyes.

"Babe!!" He said with his hands on his hips.

"It's about Ella and Joe....we have a problem." She said with conviction.

"What???" He said alarmed.

"No, relax baby, they are fine. We still have a problem tho. We don't have anything done for their rooms and that's not okay!"

"Babe, you scared me." He said trying to look at her with a scolding look but failed miserably when she put her bottom lip out and pouted. She moved her body over to his and hugged him while pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Does that help?" She asked with a grin.

"We're getting there. A couple more and it'll be better." He teased as he kissed her quickly a few times making her giggle.

"Makssssss!" She whined after a few times.

"Right right the room."

"Yessss! We have nothing! We only have ten weeks left, what if I go early? What if we don't have anything for them? We can't bring them home to an empty bedroom! What are we going to do put them in laundry baskets to sleep?!"

"Well we could..." He trailed off as he saw her face shift into complete shock at his suggestion.

"We are not putting our babies in laundry baskets Maksim Chmerkovskiy!"

"Whoa pretty girl, I was teasing. We aren't I agree. We don't have anything today so do you want to work on that today?" He asked.

"Can we please? I'll feel much better when it's done. Or well at least if we have a few things done."

"Okay, we can do that. Where do you want to go? I'll go get the laptop and we can start."

"Swing please? And I have the notes from the shower of what people want to get, like my parents want to get the cribs. Your parents said the car seats. So that way we can talk with them and then let them know what we picked."

"Perfect. You go get that and I'll meet you on the swing." Maks said kissing her before they split ways only to meet up again on the porch.

"Okay, so are we doing one room or two?" Maks asked once they were seemingly set up.

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