5. Scares and Stays

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Pregnancy - Week 35

Peta was pacing back and forth in her living room. She had been having pains which at first she thought was Braxton Hicks but now she wasn't sure. Maks was working out and she figured she'd just wait for him to be done. He should be done in the next few minutes.

"Pretty girl, you're supposed to be sitting." He said as he came into the room. He caught her worried expression though and moved over to her quickly. "What's wrong?"

"I'm having pains. I thought they were the Braxton Hicks but now I'm not sure. They seem to be getting stronger and wrapping around. And it helped when I was moving so I was pacing. I'm sorry. I know I'm not supposed to be up but it helped. I'm sorry." She said as she kept moving.

"Whoa, breathe." He said catching her hands and stopping her.

"I....tomorrow Maks tomorrow." She said muttered as her eyes moved around quickly. Their week 35 appointment which confirmed they were finally in the safe zone was scheduled for the next day. She just wanted to make it to there.

"I know pretty girl, I know. Just stop. Here, sit with me. We'll figure out what to do."

"But it hurts." She said softly.

"Okay, tell me where and let's see if me rubbing helps you any." He said pulling her gently to the couch. He settled next to her and left her lean into him as his hand began to gently rub her back. He finally hit a spot and she nodded letting him know that's where it was radiating from mostly and that his pressure was helping.

"I'm scared." She whispered.

"I know, me too. I need you to breathe though baby, for you and for them. As scary as it is we have to keep you calm."

"I'm trying."

"I know, now, okay, Braxton Hicks, they say can be caused by dehydration. And they say to try a warm bath. So let's get you some water and a bath and we'll see if that helps. If not we'll go to the hospital okay?

"You'll stay with me?" She asked.

"Yeah, well as soon as I get you water." He teased gently as he leaned over to kiss her. He went to stand up and she grasped him for a moment just needing held. He held her tightly as his ran his fingers up and down her back. She let him go and then he headed to the kitchen to grab a couple bottles of water. Then he came and took her with him to the bathroom. He ran the water and added her lavender bath salts to the mix and then helped her undress.

"Will you put on music?" She said not really wanting to talk but wanting to keep her mind occupied.

"Yeah, let me go get the speaker. Do you want me in with you?" He asked already guessing her answer. She was not needy by any means in fact she was quite independent. However when she was nervous or worried or sick, she liked it best with him near.

"Please?" She said waiting for him.

"Of course." He said leaning forward to kiss her gently before heading to grab their speaker. He came back and handed her his phone to pick something to listen to while he undressed. Once she got it going he helped her in and then slipped in beside her. She shifted into him as his arms went around her body.

"How glad are you that we picked this bathtub out?" Maks said as his left hand played with her right hand and his right hand moved back to its original spot of rubbing her back.  He felt her relax a tiny bit as she breathed in and out.

"So glad." She said laughing slightly. When they had picked this house they had ended up redoing the bathroom because it was the one thing they didn't like about it. So they figured that if it was the only negative they could just redo it. One of Peta's favorite things had always been to just sit in a bubble bath and relax. Probably from all the dancing, she just like to let her muscles relax and it was soothing. She had also taken to love sitting with him. It was so intimate and close that it was just settling. So when they did redo the bathroom, they chose a long, deep, wide bath that they both could comfortably fit in side by side or at opposite ends. It had become one of their spots.

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