4. C-Sections & Celebrations

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Pregnancy - Week 36

"Are you ready pretty girl?" Maks asked as he finished putting their bags into the trunk of his car.

"As I'll ever be I guess. We have everything right?" She said watching him.

"Yup, you checked and double checked your lists. And like before if we need anything else, we'll send Shar or Val to come get it."

"Okay, I guess we go then." She said as she stood and moved over to him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight for a moment.

"Kind of hard to believe that whenever we come back, we'll be a family of 4." Maks said pressing a kiss to her temple.

"Our quiet home will no longer be quiet." She quipped swaying them slightly. The feel of being in his arms settling her flying nerves tenfold.

"I'm excited for that part." He said kissing her lips before leading them out to the car. They set on their journey to the hospital.

Last week after their night long stay in the hospital, Dr. Salts had come in and checked on Peta, Ella, & Joe. It seemed that, after the brief moment of elevated heart rate, all three of them were doing fine so they had scheduled the C-Section for the following week. She had allowed Peta to return home and put her on strict bedrest. Peta willingly listened and stay in their bed for the rest of the time. Maks made sure she had enough visitors to keep her spirits up however also ensured that she got enough quiet that she was as calm as he could keep her. It had still been quite the long week for the two of them.

They parked at the hospital and headed in. Maks carried their bags since Dr. Salts had advised that Peta would at least be staying for 3 days, possibly 5 depending on her BP after the surgery and the twins stay would depend on their health when they were born. Dr. Salts said she wasn't looking for any complications however they would determine that for certain once the twins were out and in the world. Needless to say that made Peta even more nervous.

"Hi, we're here because we have our C-Section scheduled for today." Maks said as they walked up to the receptionist.

"Chmerkovskiy?" The nurse asked.

"Yes. That's us. Well, Peta." Maks said getting a smile out of his wife at his nervous rambling.

"Alright, you're already pre-registered so we just need to have you sign these two papers and then we'll take you to your room. I believe your nurse is going to be Callie. She's very nice dear, she'll take good care of you." The lady said picking up on Peta's nerves as well as Maks's too."

"Thank you." Peta said smiling gratefully. They followed the lady down the hall and into the room that would be hers for the duration of the stay.

"You can get changed into this. Once Callie comes in, she'll let you know of anything they need to do with you as far as checks and then she'll get you prepped and your IV and everything. I'll leave you two to it now." She said smiling at the couple before heading back.

"Will you tie me?" Peta asked Maks as she put the gown on the lady had handed them. He was putting their bags in the tiny hospital closet that was provided to them.

"Sure pretty girl." Maks said coming over to behind her and tying the strings. After he was done he rested his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back into him, pressing a kiss to her head.

"As scared as I am, you still make me feel safe." She said softly as she turned her head slightly to look at him.

"I love you." He said quietly as he pressed his lips to hers. The nurse came in then and went over some preliminary checks before letting them know that an IV tech would be in soon to start Peta's IV and then they'd give her the epidural.

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