2. Anniversaries & Announcements

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Peta woke up to two sets of giggles and her husband's voice coming from the kitchen. She smiled as she listened to her family before getting up to go down with them. Before going down, she checked on the box she had tucked into her nightstand. It was her 5 year anniversary present to her husband. It was all neatly wrapped in its box. She was quite nervous about the gift but excited all the same. She was going to give it to him after their anniversary party tonight. Val, Sharna, Noah, & Jenna had all decided to throw them a party to celebrate their 5 years of marriage. Both families had flown in to their home in LA.

"Papa! Look who's here!" Ella said as she saw Peta come into the kitchen. She skipped over to her and hugged Peta's leg tightly.

"Momma! We're making breakfast!" Joe yelled from his stool by Maks. Peta leaned down and scooped Ella up off her leg before pressing a kiss into her blonde curls. She was the spitting image of her mother, hazel eyes, blonde curls, her nose, everything. Maks always teased that when Ella got older, people were going to mistake them for sisters.

"Good morning beautiful, happy anniversary." Maks said leaning down to kiss her softly.

"Happy anniversary handsome." Peta said resting into his side for a second until Ella giggled. 

"What's got you so giggly?" Peta said tickling her daughter as she walked over to Joe and gave him a kiss to his black unruly hair that was Maks to a T. If Ella was Peta's mini me, Joe was Maks's. Eyes, smile, hair, attitude, it was all Maks. To the point that it made Peta groan sometimes and remind Maks that he better not allow him to pick up his hot headed temper that they had worked so hard at controlling.

"You snuggled Papa." Ella said as if it was that simple.

"I did, cause I love him, just like I love you two." Peta said cuddling Ella and wrapping her arm around Joe.

"We love you toooo." Joe said giving Peta a kiss.

"What about me?" Maks said standing with his hands on his hips.

"You too papa. We love you too." Ella said blowing him a kiss. He caught it and stuck it in his pocket making her giggle again.

"Okay, so what are you three cooking me?" Peta said settling into a kitchen chair and situating Ella in her lap since she had made no moves to get down. Maks handed her a cup of coffee and she smiled in appreciation.

"Eggs! I'm the mixer this time." Joe said.

"I was the mixer before Momma." Ella said resting back into her mother's chest. Ella was also their snuggler. She was content to just sit with one or both of them while Joe was the on the go boy. He was constantly moving so they knew if he was snuggly, he was coming down with something.

"I can't wait for these yummy eggs. What did you mix angel?"

"Muffins. Cheesy ones. Papa said we were making cheesy ones because cheese is your favorite. And today is your love day so he wanted to make your favorite things." Ella said before whispering. "The cheeses is my favorites too."

"It is our love day. How excited are you two for the party tonight?" Peta asked. After a lot of discussion they had decided to have the twins at the party. At first they weren't sure because they knew what their parties and celebrations were like. They typically ran until late at night and the twins were used to being in bed by 8:30, 9 at the latest. They decided that they would prefer them at the party though and just play it by ear. There were going to be so many hands and love that even if they did get grumpy, someone would be there to love them up.

"Do I still have to wear the tie?" Joe said looking at his mother.

"Only at the beginning mister, alright? After dinner and we do pictures, you can take it off. Papa is wearing his too so you can take them off together. Sound like a deal?"

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