Chapter 5

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Yes, this is Aly.


Jacobs POV

I was playing on my phone when I feel something tickling my bare foot.

I look down to see Charlie tickling my foot.

I reach down and use my thumb and index finger to pick her up by the back of her shirt. She was about 2 inches tall.

She looked down and immediately started shaking.
Has anyone ever told her not to look down?

I move my hand so she is sitting in my palm.

She is still shaking when I hear the door handle jiggling.

Chase and Brad must've found out about Charlie missing.

I look at her with a sorry look and then softly put her into my shirt pocket. I could feel her shaking through my shirt.

Chase opens the door and Brad quickly follows.

I stand up.

"Where's Charlie?" I ask hoping they wouldn't be suspicious.

They look at each other and then smile.

"We put her in a cage and hid the cage." Brad lies.

"Oh..." I say before walking into my room and listening through the door to hear what they say.

"Where could she be?" I hear one of them say. I can't tell them apart sometimes.

"I swear I saw her slide under the door..."

I hear them go downstairs.

I take Charlie out of my pocket and gently put her on my desk.

She looks at me with pure anger in her eyes.

"Well I'm sorry!" I say loudly, but not loud enough for the twins to here me downstairs.

"Did I give you permission to shove me in your pocket?"

"No, but if I didn't they would've killed both of us!"
Charlie covered her ears this time.

"Sorry." I half whisper.

She glares at me.

"Anyways, we have school tomorrow..." I trail off, seeing the concerned look on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"What do you mean what?!"

"I'm 3 inches tall!"

She burst into tears.

I take my index finger and rub her back.

Then I remember.

"Crape." I mumble under my breathe.

"What?" She asks, still silently crying.

"Thursday night is family movie night." I say." I'm going to take you with me downstairs and you will watch the movie with my parents, the twins, and my four year old sister Jessy."

"why?" She whines.

"Because I don't want you to accidentally fall off my desk and die." I say matter of factly.

*3 hours later*

Charlie POV

It was almost time for the movie. I decided to relax a bit and enjoy the movie.

What could possibly go wrong?

Everything could go wrong, the twins could see you, you could get squished...

I started panicking and before I new it I was crying again.

Jacob was on his computer scrolling through tumblr.

I was sitting next to his computer hugging my knees, I was scared.

What if Jacob got mad at me and squished me?

I hated feeling this vulnerable.

Jacob looks at the time on his watch, then looks over to me.

I immediately wipe my tears away and smile at him.

He lowers his head down so I can only see his gorgeous blue eyes looking at me.

"It's time to go to watch the movie." He whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I whisper back.

We both just laugh.

He then wraps his fingers around my body, leaving only my head and arms out of his grasp.

"Get ready." He says before gently dropping me into his pocket.

I can't see above the pocket, but I can feel him walking downstairs.

"Hi Hun, what are we watching?" His mom asked.

"It's the twins turn to choose." I hear Jacob say.

I just knew that Chase and Brad were going to choose a horror movie, I just knew it.


Hiya guys!

I've decided that I just won't post chapters over the weekend...

Soooooo I'm gonna try and post often.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!😋



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