The Demon himself

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At Tibby's

"So this real snooty mug says ta me ya can't see Mr Pulitzer no one see's Mr Pulitzer we're all hoity toity ya know the type" said Jack

"Real hoity toity" added les

"So that's when I said Ay listen I ain't in the habit of transacting no business with the office boys just tell im Jack Kelly needs ta see im now"

"That's when he threw us out"added Les

"Ha ha" laughed David

"All right well keep me informed I want to know everything that happens" said Denton

"Are we really an important story?" asked David

"Well what's important I once covered a war in Cuba with Governor Teddy Roosevelt that was a really important story so is the Newsies strike important that all depends on you"

"So my names really going to be in the papers?" asked Jack

"Any objections?" asked Denton

"Not as long as you get it right Kelly, Jack Kelly. Oh and Denton no pictures" added Jack

"Sure" said Denton

(At the Brooklyn Bridge)

"I've never been to Brooklyn have you?" asked David

"Really?" asked Jack

"I spent a month there one night" added Boots.

"Watch this" said Jack

Jack and Boots screamed over the Brooklyn Bridge.

"So is this is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?" asked David

Jack and boots just laughed.

"Is that even a question?" Boots asked "He's the best shooter in the City"

We walked past the boardwalk where boys were jumping and swimming in the river "Going somewhere Kelly?" asked one of the boys.

Jack walked around there like he owned the place with me in towe.

"Ay ya gotta little goily for us ta play wit" asked another boy.

"Ay back off "I said "Unless ya wanna lose a finger"

"Well if it ain't Jack be nimble Jack be quick"said a boy coming up from the docks.

"So you've moved up in the world Spot got a Riverview and everything" said Jack

Down jumped a boy with sandy brown hair he was actually attractive with blue eyes that could melt somebody in their tracks and a smirk that could kill.

Spot and Jack spit shook I spit in my hand and Spot spit shook with me as well.

"Heya Boots how's it Rollin?" asked Spot

"Hey I gotta couple of real good shooters here" replied Boots.

"Yeah" said Spot "So um Jacky boy I've been hearin things from little boids things from Harlem,Queens" he took out his sling shot and aimed and at a beer bottle and let it go it shattered "all over their chirpin in my ear sayin Jacky boys newsies is playin like they's goin on strike"

"Yeah well we are" added Jack

"But we're not playin we are goin on strike" added David

"Oh yeah, yeah?" Asked Spot getting up in David's face he backed away puzzled "What is this Jacky boy some kina walkin mouth?"

"Yeah it's a mouth a mouth with a brain and if you got hafa one you'll listen ta what he's gotta say" said Jack

Spot nodded and turned around to go sit on some crates. He tilted his head as to say well go on. I spotted a crate as well and sat next to Spot. He looked at me and smiled and turned back to David.

"Go on tell him Dave" said Jack

"Well um we uh started the strike but we can't do it alone so we've been talking to other newsies all around the city" David said.

"Yeah so they told me but what did they tell you?" Spot questioned.

"Well their waiting to see what Spot Conlon does that your the key that Spot Conlon is the most respected and famous newsie in all of New York and probably everywhere else" said David.

Spot started smiling. He looked at me again I looked at him and he quickly turned his head.

"And if Spot Conlon joins the strike then they'll join and we'll be unstoppable so ya gotta join us because well... ya gotta" continued David

"Well your right Jack brains but I got brains too" said Spot standing up taking his came out of his belt loop "And more than just halfa one how do I know you punks won't run the first time some goon comes at ya wit a club how do I know ya got what it takes ta win?"

"Cause we're tellin ya Spot" Jack said.

"That ain't good enough Jacky boy ya gotta show me" Spot said.

"Oh come on your supposed to be a leader aren't you?" I asked.

Spot looked at me and grinned evilly. Oh no what have I just unleashed?

"Alright Jacky boy I'se might consider your request on one condition" Spot said "The girl stays with me"

"Uh uh no way" I said starting to walk away but, Jack grabbed me by my shirt.

"It'll just be for a little while Jade" Jack said "Alright Spot you gotta deal"

Jack kissed my cheek and left along with David and Boots.

I felt a strong grip on my arm. I turned to see Spot smirking evilly.

"Hey doll let's have some fun"


A/N Hey guys sorry I haven't writen in a while I've been writing other stories but I'm back now. I'm gonna be changing this story up a bit because I'm not really satisfied with this topic but I promise it will be much better. Thanks for reading.

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