I felt so safe and secure next to Preston and Rob but if they were involved with my kidnapping it had to be an act, or just them flirting with me for whatever reason. I looked to Vikk and noticed he was watching me. He seemed nice too but I don't trust him. Oh crap, wait he probably heard that. I'm sorry Vikk, but I can't trust any of you guys, especially Mitch. Why are you guys so afraid of Mitch anyways? Who crapped in his cornflakes and made him leader?
Vikk looked at me nervously, not really wanting to say anything. He looked to Rob who seemed to immediately understand what I had asked.
"Mitch is the leader because he is the most powerful. He owns the house we live in and has looked out for us for quite some time now. We are afraid of him because of his power. He is the strongest out of all of us and he is definitely someone you don't want to get in a fight with. He can knock someone out with the touch of his fingers and at his strongest control your mind and movements." Rob whispered.
"Dang. I guess that makes sense then. He is pretty intimidating and mean. There's probably some good to him. I mean if I can't escape, might as well try to get on his good side, eh?" I responded.
"Mitch isn't exactly the 'good side' type. It will be almost impossible. You would have to get on Lachlan and Jerome's good side before that. Lachlan and Jerome are like little puppies to Mitch. They follow his orders but they are mean like him. Preston is in the middle of mean and nice. Vikk is nice-ish. He really is just flirting with you right now. He doesn't care about your well-being, but I do. I have always been the most sympathetic one in the Pack." Rob explained.
"Oh great. I have to be nice to them too? They seem... hostile. That reminds me.... what is your ability? If you don't mind me asking...." I asked, awkwardly.
"Oh. I can influence people's emotions and affect their judgement. For example, when I'm sympathetic, I make everyone in the room feel a little bad. They get pretty mad at me for changing their mood like that but I can't help it. Just like Vikk can't control his mind reading. Btw, some inside info. Don't try to run and escape. Lachlan has superspeed and Jerome can track you with his sense of smell. You wouldn't get very far without being grabbed and punished for running. Mitch would not be very happy after that, I can promise you that." Rob told me.
"Thanks." I responded.
*End of whispering*
Hey Vikk, ain't gonna happen, sweetheart. I smiled when I thought that. I'm such a jerk when I try to be haha. Vikk glared at me and I could help but burst out with laughter because of the ridiculous look on his "angry" face. Suddenly the car pulled over. Oh crap, Mitch is climbing out of the car. The doors of the van opened and I saw my worst nightmare, Mitch. "We don't want you seeing your surroundings, little girl." He snickered.
"Don't call me that. I'm not little. In fact I'm almost as old as you guys." I responded, trembling in fear.
"Oi. Sassy. How old are you then?" Lachlan asked.
"Well if you must know. I'm 18.... Well as of today anyways. Not like my crappy parents were going to celebrate of even acknowledge it." I answered.
"Well. Sweet dreams birthday girl." Mitch said it a sarcastic tone.
He reached his arm out and tapped my arm, causing me to become very sleepy. I heard him get back in the van and continue driving as Rob pulled me over to him. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Rob cradling me, protecting me from the other guys and the annoying, cold floor.<3
Oooh. #Loofless? XD
I'm sorry, I totally just shipped myself with Rob. I'm such a nerd haha. Enjoy!
~Luna out!