Is it time? [Luna]

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I hope I'll be ready when the time comes. We could be leaving to go take care of Ali any second now. I just hope I can do what I have to and not let him manipulate me like I know he will attempt to. Just waiting on Mitch's go.

"Luna?" Mitch called.

"Yes sir?" I responded with respect.

"Haha you don't have to call me sir, but anyways.... Are you ready to go?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be I guess." I spoke, sort of unsure of my abilities.

"Alright. It's time to go then. Don't do anything reckless Luna, okay?" Mitch warned.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. But I can't make any promises." I giggled, remembering my plans to kick some a**.

*Time skip to them walking over to Ali's base as Nade leads them*

"Back with the Pack, all ready to fight! Gonna be a big one we can go all night! Checkin' these moves and there all so tight. Step up in the place, gonna make it mine. Swords enchanted and the armors so good! We got plenty and you only got wood. Got a prince dragon just cause we could! Landed so hard, you could hear a thud and, pumped out with ammunition! March on and take position! Prepare for this invasion, screaming COME OUT WE WANNA PLAY!" I sang, remembering the parody from when I used to watch YouTube 24/7.

"Really Luna? Minecraft songs?" Lachlan laughed, recognizing the parody he had posted in his channel.

"Yep! I'm bored xD!" I giggled, jumping on his back.

"You're a mess." Rob commented.

"I really am though. And tøp trash too m8!" I replied.

"Guys shush. Nade, are we almost there?" Mitch questioned.

"Yes. Right ahead." Nade replied, with a creepy smile on his face.

"Nade... Why are you smiling like that?" I asked, repeating what I remembered.

"You are quite foolish. Why would I simply lead you to my boss?" Nade cackled.

"No, guys this isn't right. We aren't alone. Sp33dy and Side enters, blah blah blah." I say, knowing what would happen.

"What?! How did you?" Sp33dy exclaimed.

"Not telling." I laughed.

Suddenly Sp33dy appeared next to me, grabbing myself and Nade. He then teleported away.

It's okay Lachlan, I will keep you in touch. You will be able to hear everything I hear. Find cover so Side doesn't get you with one of his weapons. Stay safe.

"I will Luna. Please be careful. I don't know what I would do without you." Lachlan linked.

I know. I will kick some booty!

"Luna, long time no see....." A voice boomed.

"Hello Ali-A." I greeted, sarcastically.

This is it. I have to be strong now. I'm on my own for this fight.

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait :( I went away on a trail ride and to a farm for about 2 weeks, and came back to normal wifi. It's still not working like it should, but it's enough to type this. Literally 1 bar haha. School is starting for me on the 6th oof September, so busy busy I guess. I signed up for JV Field hockey! Hopefully I'll make the team xD well thanks for your patience and see you later!

~Luna out!

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