Pixelmon Dreams are here again [Luna]

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I came closer to the flowers and called Charizard back into my master ball.
"Hello? Anyone around? I guess I'm alone in my dreamland.... Well." I said, awkwardly as I felt like I was being watched. I turned around and was engulfed into a hug, which scared the crap out of me, not literally ofc. I saw the blue shirt and immediately knew who it was.
"ROB!" I shouted, but not very loudly since I was buried in his shirt. I looked up at saw him, sure enough.
"How did you get into my dream Rob?" I questioned, confused as to how he got here.
"I'm not sure. I just woke up here." Rob answered, confused as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~Rob's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked down at Luna as she slept peacefully. Mitch may be mean but he sure can put someone into a peaceful sleep, most of the time. I just hope she doesn't have another nightmare. Everyone else is falling asleep so I guess I should rest. We will be back home tomorrow and I need my energy to be able to record videos and help watch Luna.
*drifts to sleep*
"You are going into her dream. Watch her, please. Keep her company." A voice said.
I looked around and saw flowers growing around me. Talk about FlowerKing haha. I looked up and saw something that caught my eye. Is that Luna? Riding a Charizard? She jumped down and called her Pokemon back. She didn't notice that the pokeball vanished though. Her bag disssappeared too but she was too focused on the flowers around me. She turned around so I took my chances and hugged her, giving her quite a fright in the process. She knew it was me but she wanted to know why I was here and how I got into her dream. I wonder..... Who sent me here? Was it that voice?

~~~~~~~~Luna's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vikk must have done this. He probably used his dream walking to put Rob here. Dreamstar123 m8.
"I think I know who put you here." I spoke, still clinging to Rob's shirt.
"Who?" Rob questioned.
"It was Vikk. He was-" I answered.
"Dreamwalking?" He guessed.
I hugged Rob tight as the Minecraft World around me turned into darkness. Time to wake up already? I was liking this dream.... Then again it was my only free time to talk to Rob without the 3 jerk-a-teers yelling at me for being too curious. Honestly, I don't care if Rob is just flirting....he may be my only friend for a long time. The Pack won't be allowing me to escape or go home anytime soon. Escape isn't an option, not now anyways... Jerome would just track me down or Lachlan would catch up. Even Vikk, who I don't yet fully trust, could read for my thoughts and locate me. Mitch would not be happy with me then. Definitely not a way to go. I'm smarter than to test my luck with it.
*End of Dream*

Hello people of the reading community! As you may, or may not know, I am Luna. (my preferred online name :P) Can I get an ayyyy in the comments to see who's reading? I know of one lovely person reading and my irl friend but who else is here.
P.s., Thank you so much for your kind comments!

~Luna out!

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