Childish Shenanigans [Luna]

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"Ya know I don't have time to be loving anyone. Especially with the whole Pack kidnapping business. You guys are like Bros to me. Even though I wake up and fangirl a bit, realizing where I am and who's around me. You were my idols, but now you are my protectors. You helped me indirectly with my depression, but now you are directly helping me from the Pack. You guys are amazing and are true heroes. Not all heroes wear capes. Mine wear headphones." I spoke, not directly to anyone.

"Awww." They all said together.

We went back inside to get some food and watch a movie. I grabbed some waffles, because WAFFLESSSS. We all sat down on the couch to watch Frozen. I sat between Landon and Nooch, not neglecting, nor paying attention to either boy.

"DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN?!" Landon and I yelled.


"GO AWAY ANNA!" Pete and Kara shouted.

"Okay bye...." Nooch spoke.

We all bursted into laughter at our stupidity. We had finished our breakfast when I felt a little hot. I turned to Nooch and he jumped a bit at whatever he saw.

"What?!" I questioned.

"Your eyes..." Nooch mumbled.

"What about them?" I shouted, scared.
"...." Nooch didn't say a word.

"You have a flame burning in both eyes. They are beautiful and scary at the same time." Kara explained.

"It's a lava mob thing. Look." Landon spoke, showing that he could do it too.
"Wait. I see something." I spoke as my vision turned dark and I saw something. I can see visions too?! I saw a vision of the Pack.

Within Vision:

"Let's go." Mitch commanded.

"Do you think she'll still be there?" Lachlan questioned.

"We still need to check." Jerome answered.

Vision over......

Wait. Are they talking about me? Was that past or future? Or present? My vision came back and I saw Landon hugging me tight.

"Landon I'm okay. Just a vision." I spoke, startling him.

"Okay. I was worried because you looked so empty when you saw it. I thought you... died..." Landon explained, hugging me tight then releasing me.

We watched the last of Frozen then stood up, horse playing around.

"I GOT YOU!" I yelled, tackling Choco and knocking him down.

We both started laughing hysterically when the doorbell rang.

Who's there?

I hope you enjoyed my little cliffhanger there XD I'm so sorry for not having a chapter but I swear I acted like I was drunk yesterday. That's how tired I was xD Hope you're hyped for the next chapter :D
Oh and that's my hair color :D I have dirty blonde hair, but it has pink tips now!
~Luna out!

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