Nerd Bird [Choco]

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I had helped her up off the ground after she fell off of the bed. She is quite funny..... And clumsy, if I may add. Nooch apparently found our what's wrong with her. Why hasn't he told me? I hope he hurries up because I really want to know what's up with her and how we can prepare her for any contact with the Pack. She seemed to have had a nightmare, but what was it about?
"What was your dream about, if I may ask?" I asked.
"Oh. Um. I got put in the H3M world and Vikk was there. He was trying to figure out where I was, but since we were in a dream, he couldn't read my thoughts." Luna answered.
"Anything else?" I asked, curious of this weird dream. Vikk can dream visit ay?
"I told him to leave and let me see Rob, so he did. Rob came in with a flower storm and he was crying. He lit up when he saw me and I hugged him. I yelled at him for leaving me alone while he enjoyed himself in Canadia Land. I forgave him, but I told him that I am staying away from all if them for as long as I can hide away. Then darkness consumed us and it scared me crapless. That's why I fell out of the bed. Just a little startle." Luna explained.
"Ah. So you don't trust Vikk. You like Rob you like-like him?" I asked, noticing her trust in him. She didn't answer, but she did blush a bit, quickly hiding it when she noticed. I heard the door open downstairs. Nooch?
"IM HOME DOODS!" Nooch yelled from downstairs.
Yep, definitely good ol NoochBot. :P

How did you guys like Choco's POV? Sorry for the late update. I had tutoring and havent been able to type till now. No worries tho :D Hope you enjoyed! Drawing is by me, for Jerome's birthday, today.


Who's POV would you like to see in a future update, btw?

~Luna out!

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