Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Me and Niall turned our heads to see Doctor Jones at the door holding a clipboard.

“Good morning Carson, how are you feeling today?” He said taking a seat next to Niall with myself still sitting on his lap. I would have gotten off and moved but Niall was having none of it. He had his arms around my wait holding me tight as if he didn’t want me to go. Which to be honest I didn’t want to leave his presence as he was comfy and he was keeping me warm.

“I’m feeling good” I replied and Doctor Jones nodded taking down some notes.

“Well we have run though all of the tests and procedures that needed to be carried out and everything seems fine so you are free to go home wherever home is.”

“Home is with me” Niall said and planted a kiss on my temple.

“No, home is with us” A loud voice came from the door and I’d recognise that voice anywhere. I turned around to see the person I was suspecting my dad with my mum.

“No dad home is with Niall” I replied.

“Says who?” My mum asked.

“Says me!” I snapped. Niall moved his hand to my thigh rubbing his hand up and down in a soothing manner.

“Shhh calm down baby girl. Look I’ll go prepare the car while you get ready. I’ll be back in 20 minutes” Niall whispered in my ear, placed a kiss on my temple and left the room with Doctor Jones.

Seen as though I was going to meet Niall in 20 minutes I thought I better get ready straight away as it will take me that long to get ready, even if my mum and dad are in the same room. Actually I don’t feel comfortable getting changed in front of my dad.

“Dad can you please leave the room while I get changed?” I asked politely.

“I’m not leaving till you agree to come with us to your real home.”

“Well even if I am going to go home with you I still need to get changed.”

He sighed giving in and walked out of the room just leaving me alone with my mum while I get changed.

“Why do you want to really go home with Niall, Carson? Because yesterday you seemed so unsure of all of this.” She asked.

“I want this relationship to work. I want things to be how they used to be, before the accident. I can see how much he loves me and clearly so can everybody else so why not?” She smiled and nodded. “And Doctor Jones says that it might bring back some of my memories being in old surroundings and familiar faces.” Her eyes widened in horror as if I was 14 and pregnant.

 “Sweetheart I think your father is right, I think you should come home with us.”

Wait hold up.

“Says the woman who wanted me to be with Niall and give him a chance less than 24 hours ago.”

“Well maybe I was wrong and you were right. You don’t know Niall like you used to or know him enough to live with him.” I can’t believe I am hearing this. “And presides Doctor Jones said being around old surroundings and familiar people will bring back memories so why not your original home and your family.”

I considered this for a moment. I mean she was right what is more familiar than family. But when you think about it Niall kind of was family to after all he was my fiancé and I really want to give us a shot.

“I really want to give Niall a chance mum.”

“But you do not love him anymore, not like you used to, even you said yourself yesterday.”

“Yeah and you said yesterday-“

“I’m sorry am I interrupting?” Said that adorable Irish accent.

“No I was just preparing my bag” I said smiling at him. But as I looked over to my mother she was glaring at him telling him that he is interrupting and to get out of the room before I kick you out. Niall had obviously noticed this too.

“I’ll be outside when you are ready.” He smiled and then left the room.

“I really think you should consider your options and think about this.” My mum said as I put the last item into my bag.

“I’ve already though about it and I have made my decision. I’m going home.”

“So you’re coming home with us?” She smiled hopefully.

“My home is with Niall.”

“No your home is with us!” She exclaimed.

“You can’t tell me where my home is.”

“Yes I can I’m your mother.”

“You may be my mother but I’m an adult. I’m 21 not 16 you cannot tell me what to do. I am going to go and live with Niall because in my heart that is where my home is and yeah I may not feel the same way as he does but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t in the past or won’t in the future. We were engaged for god’s sake it has to mean something. I must have been in love with him is I lived with him and was engaged to him.”

“But you’re not engaged to him anymore” she muttered.

“Doesn’t mean it has to be that way in the future. You should be happy that I am trying to get my life back to normal. And living with Niall might bring back memories so you can either like it or lump it.”

I threw my pink bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room. I don’t think I have ever been so blunt and forward with my mum before. Oh well there is a first time for everything. I was walking down the hospital corridor I was looking for blonde hair to try and find my sexy Irish boyfriend. I’m so lucky to have him. I turned the corner I saw him talking to Doctor Jones. As I approached they both turned in my direction and smiled.

 “If there are any problems, need advice or want to book a check-up here is my number. Don’t be afraid to call.”

“Thank you.” I said to Doctor Jones and off he went down the corridor.

“You ready?” Niall asked offering to take my bag from my shoulders. I let it slowly fall from my shoulders and into Niall’s hands.

“Yeah and pink really suits you.” I giggled.

“I suit anything.” Niall winked and entwined his fingers with mine as we started to walk. And there it was the butterflies in my stomach which made me feel warm.

Then it hit me. I had chosen Niall over my own family. Niall who is practically a stranger compared to my family. Have I made the right choice?

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