Chapter 2

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Oh if anything happens to Katie its gonna be all my fault. When she walked in there we heard a squeak and then a flash came out of the portal. After that we heard Katie screaming and by instinct me and Andrew screamed Katie's name. Only to be replied by more screams. 'Plugs! Plugs!' I kept hearing in my head and i grabbed to two cords that turned on the portal and disconnected them.

When the portal was turned off and the screamed had stopped. We had thought Katie either found her way to the ghost world or she died. We were both hoping for the first option. Just then a girl about our age and looked kind of like Katie came out. She passed out right before she could say anything. When me and Andrew went to catch her she went through our arms. "How did that happen?!" I half-yelled surprised. "She's a ghost, she seems solid now." A Ghost? We heard her groan a couple of times when she had finally woke up about 5 minutes after she passed out.

Katie POV

When I gained some consciousness back I heard murmurs what I thought was a few inches from me. "I hope that girl is okay" 'That girl? How could they not see it was me.' I thought. "What happened?" I groaned. That's when I noticed that my best friends were all the way across the lab. How could i hear them as if they were right next to me? "Katie?" Em and Andrew said at the same time. "Hey guys, what happ-. What's wrong?" I said. That's when Andrew rushed upstairs to get something while Em told me what had happened.

Before Em had started a strand of whiteish-blondeish hair went into my face. I pushed it back with my right black glove. Wait white-blonde hair? Black glove? I have dark brown hair and a white glove. That's when Andrew came back with a mirror. "Give me that!" I yelled grabbing the hand mirror out of his hand. What I saw in that mirror was not me. "What happened!" I screeched. "Um.. Kate." Em said. That's when I looked down and noticed I was flying. "Ahhh!" I yelled losing control and falling to the ground. 'FLY FLY!' I screamed in my head.

Before I could hit the ground I was caught by something. Neither of my friends had caught me. I noticed I had control again. "Um Katie. Where's your legs?" I looked down again! Where my legs should be was a wisp-like ghostly tail. "Okay please tell me what happened before I end up screaming 'FEAR ME' like a maniac." I said. Em chuckled "Well you do not have a pulse" Am I dead? "Does that mean I'm dead?" "But wait ghosts wouldn't need to breathe so maybe you're not!" Andrew tried to calm my nerves. It didn't work. I was weeping, my head in my hands, and curled into a ball.

"Katie? Andrew? Em? Are you kids alright?" Angela had called from the kitchen. Oh no. "What are we gonna do????" I whisper-screamed. 'Change back Change back!' That's when I had felt a snap. I looked down and saw two white-blue rings going up and down my body. When they disappeared I was back to normal.

"We heard screaming! Are you kids alright?" Angela asked again. "We're fine mom. Go to your date." Andrew said trying to reassure his mother we were alright. "Well okay then. If you need anything just call okay?" Angela asked still unsure we were just find. "Okay mom. Love you." Andrew said. "What was that!" Andrew said when his mother finally left. "I don't know. Well I have to go home. I'll talk to you guys later." I said leaving the lab with two weirded out friends.

A.N. Okay guys for the next 2 or 3 chapters will come to you pretty fast but when the chapters start coming slower that means that I no longer have any written down ideas for the chapter. Expect chapter 3 soon! I DO NOT OWN DANNY PHANTOM. If I did it would be so much longer.

Katie out! PEACE




If ya want.

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