Katie's Powers (Adding more soon)

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1. Ghost ray: a ray of ectoplasmic energy shot from the hand

2. Flight: ability to defy gravity and soar in the air

3. Invisibility: becoming unseeable to human and most ghosts eyes

4. Intangibility: ability to phase through solid objects

5. Transformation: ability to change from human to ghost and vice versa

6. Overshadow: ability to take over a human or animal and control said subjects actions, the subject does not remember what he or she did while overshadowed

7. ShapeShifting: changing appearance

8. Ghost Portal Creation: create a portal to the Ghost Zone and back with the wave of a hand

9. Ghost Shield: creating a ectoplasmic dome or wall that can deflect or block attacks

10. Duplication: ability to make exact copies of theirself, possesing their personality and powers

11. Sonic Wail: similar to the ghostly wail but it is sonic waves of music instead of screaming.

Kinesis Powers

1. Aero: manipulate air

2. Antho: generate flowers by touch

3. Aqua: manipulate and generate water

4. Atmo: manipulate weather

5. Audio: manipulate and generate sound

6. Botano: manipulate and generate plants

7. Cryo: manipulate ice and snow

8. Electro: manipulate and generate electricity

9. Terra: manipulate the earth

10. Geo-Thermos: manipulate lava, magma and volcanoes

11. Haemo: manipulate a person or animals blood

12. Ioni: manipulate plasma

13. Lunar: manipulate lunar energy

14. Metallo: manipulate metal

15. Mnemo: manipulate memories

16. Myo: manipulate muscles

17. Neuro: manipulate thoughts

18. Nitro: explode and recover quickly

19. Natura: manipulate nature

20. Patho: manipulate emotions

21. Suna: manipulate, generate, sand particles

22. Pyro: manipulate and generate fire, ghost fire is usually bright blue but Katie's is white

23. Techno: manipulate technology

24. Tele: move objects with the mind

25. Thermo: manipulate and genereate heat

Okay so if I repeated something I DONT CARRRRRRRRRRE. So anyway if you guys want another power or two added, TELL MEH AND ILL DEDICATE THE CHAPTER I USE IT IN TO YOU! I want your ideas, and you want dedications don't you?



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