Chapter 6

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"KAAATIIIIIIIE!!!!!!!!!!" Andrew screamed as I flew faster and faster to Em's house. I didn't know what was or has happened but I had a really bad feeling. "Katie put me down!" Andrew said struggling. "Aaaahhh!!!" the scream got more faint, that's when I realized Andrew was falling to the busy street below. "Andrew!" I screamed catching him. "I am so sorry!" He gave me this weird look, a look I couldn't describe. "What you look like you've seen a ghost?" I said slightly chuckling out of discomfort and humor.

That's when I turn my head back around and then I see it. Something was attacking Em's neighborhood but I couldn't descirbe what it was. "O" "M" "G" Andrew and I switched off then said G at the same time. "You go around and warn the rest of the neighborhood to evacuate," I said setting down Andrew. "What are you doing!" he screamed as I flew up to Em's bedroom window. "Saving Em," I said then I bolted hearing Andrew screaming evacuate to every house.

"Em!" I screamed looking desperately for my best friend. "Em! Where are you!" I screamed phasing through her bedroom window. "AAAAAAAAahhhhhh!!!! KATIE!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!" I heard Em scream, it getting more and more faint and she continued with her sentence. "I'M COMING!" I screamed going full speed to catch up with the monster that took Em.

Meanwhile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"You have to evacuate!" I said trying to get this old man out of his house. "Come on old man! I can't stand here and just let you ignore me!" I screamed. "Andrew?" I heard a familiar voice say in worry and shock. "What do you think you are doing here? You should be at home and more importantly where is Katie?" Jarod said looking around and thats when he spotted the monster flying off, holding Em, and Katie close behind. "Tell me I didn't just see Em get carried off?" He said trying to calm himself. Oh no. Does he know? "Its not what you think." I said. "Where is my baby sister! What if she got carried off as well." I breathed out with relief. "Come on we are going to your house and getting your parents down here!" Jarod said dragging me to my house.

Back to Katie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"EM!!!!" I screamed with shear terror. She was getting farther and farther away from me, to top it off I am losing a large amount of energy. "Katie!!!!!!" and before I knew it the monster and Em were gone from my field of vision. She was gone.

A.N HAHAHAHHAHAHHAH CLIFF HANGER DOESN'T EVERYONE LOVE THOSE. Okay so as I mentioned with that update I will maybe not be able to update this weekend so I tried to get this out. And I have been having troubles with school too but I won't let that stop me from getting out these chapters to you wonderful followers. Now I am not forcing myself to do these chapters. But when I write and read I feel like I am in another dimension completely I feel like I am morphed into what I am reading or writing. So I just wanted to clear that up. And I think I am becoming nocturnal :P Just kidding i have just had a bit of trouble sleeping without my hamster rudely waking me up >:( mumbles 'stupid stormwind and her stcrachin at the cage' Clears throat Okay so I guess thats my little speel okay so BAI

Katie out! PEACE!!!!!




Tell me what ya think! I want your feedback to see if I am doing okay!

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