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"I nominate sleepy kisses the best." Shawn mutters. I smile lightly but continue to kiss. My alarm goes off making us both groan. "10 more minutes?" He pouts his lip out as I pull away.
"Make me breakfast and yes." He smiles widely and pulls me back in.
"Deal." Have I mentioned (probably) he is the best kisser I've ever known. I am not saying that because Shawn is my soon to be husband I'm saying that because holy mother of shits. Its not just kissing. He moves his lips around everything so nicely. He can leave the best hickeys I've ever seen and make me late for work just by kissing me.
"Ok go!" I laugh pushing him away.
"But your lips are so nice and they need mine today."
"Tonight. We can pick this back up." I pull on my dark blur suit and a black tie.
"You're way to hot."
"Make me breakfast!" I laugh pushing him out the door. I spray my hair making it look fairly nice then brush my teeth.
"Eggs and toast with a hot cup of coffee." Shawn presents as I walk out. I was expecting more of cereal and 'shit I forgot the coffee.' But this is nice too. I sit down and start eating. I think shawn is starting to realize we're getting married which is why he's making good breakfasts and tries to cook dinner. Half the time for dinner he fails but its the thought that counts. I hope he doesn't think I want him to be one of those 70's moms that the husband walks in and she has to have dinner on the table. Because I like cooking. I love cooking and if shawn learns how to that means that's what I'll be coming home too. And I don't want that. I like laying on the couch thinking of what to have for dinner as he runs his hands through my messed up hair. Or watching him practically set the kitchen on fire.
"Okay?" Shawn says.
"What?" I look up at him.
"Carlton Jebidiha Lassiter. I'm going to kick your ass to the moon." He sighs.
"Hey you need my ass." I wash my plate and see I still have 5 minutes before I leave.
"True.. Anyway I am going to my dads for dinner since my mom is in town. So if you want to join us feel free it starts at 6. If not I'll be back sometime tonight."
"Okay." I pull him closer and wrap my arms around his hips. "I love you."
"You have something right here." He wipes off some dried egg and chuckles. "I really hope by the time our wedding come around we know how to get food in our mouth."
"This isn't your mouth?" I kiss all over his face but his lips. "Point me to your mouth again?" I smile looking at him. Shawn leans up and kisses me firmly. Much more relaxed and grown up. Usually we play around when we kiss. We lick and bite and smile but this is like grown up. Soft and settle but still hard.
"I love you now get out of here my handsome pasty devil."

Shassie Again....sorry Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now