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Its the day before our wedding and I have suddenly realized I'm getting married. "Juliet! Juliet!" I shout.
"What?" She asks wide eyed.
"Come." I pull her into conference room A and close the door. "I'm getting married! What the hell! Married and to shawn! I mean Shawn Spencer. I don't know if I can do this! I mean yeah I love spencer. I love his so fucking much and I want to wake up and kiss his nice perfect lips all the time and just hold him and never let him out of my arms....of course I can do this. He's Shawn."
"Thanks Jules." I walk out and see guster walking walking in. "When there is a guster there is a-"
"Nope he is at the psych office muttering 'im getting married.' Over and over again. I actually came to get you. Think you could go talk some since into him?"
"I can't leave but I can call him." I grab my phone
"Okay thank you." I walk to my desk and dial up shawn.
"Heyyy lassie." Shawn says.
"Hey baby." I smile. "Whatcha doin?"
"Guster told me you're kinda upset."
"I'm getting married. Married."
"I know.. To me."
"I know and I'm so happy so so happy but then again I'm freaking out. For gods sake I don't get married. I don't do serious relationships I don't move in I don't learn how to cook. I eat pizza and I have one night stands."
"We can have one night stands... With pizza." He chuckles on the other side.
"I love you okay and I wanna kiss you and tell you how much I love you but I can't do that until tomorrow."
"You promise you'll come?"
"I promise. I'll be dressed up and waiting. I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I like when you say that. But its a lie. I love you more then I love gus."
"I love you-" I see juliet starring at me. "Lassie?"
"I gotta go. I love you. Call me if you need anything and shawn."
"We're gonna be married." I whisper.
"You won't leave me waiting and then you never show and I'll be humiliated and people will be giving me those looks like 'ohh I hope he doesn't kill himself because carlton left him' you know and then I'll have to send everyone home as they all hug me and tell me its o-"
"I promise I'll show up."
"Okay... I love you."
"I love you too bye."

Shassie Again....sorry Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now