Chapter Two

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"Ladybug," Adrien finds himself whispering as he stares at the evolved creature. It's no longer his lady, no, this being is something more dangerous.

Love Bug lets a sarcastic laugh escape her lips as she stares at the blonde boy. "There you are," she narrows her eyes at him before she raises her hand towards him and smirks.

"Don't do it!" A voice screams from beside the akumatized girl. She turns to glance at the person who belongs to the voice and she finds a shivering Chloe.

"Chloe," Love Bug mutters evilly, her smirk never faltering. Chloe's eyes widen as the miraculous being walks her way across the court yard. She tries to make a run for it, but Love Bug zaps her before Chloe can reach the stairs.

The snobby girl stands up straight, frozen for a few seconds before Love Bug lifts her head triumphantly and Chloe spins around. Adrien watches as Chloe's eyes cloud over with a musky white and she walks slowly towards the overpowered superhero.

Love Bug lets an evil laugh ripple out of her as she jumps up into the air, floating as she glares down at the one who caused her heartbreak.

"Adrien!" Love Bug's voice echoes through out the building and Alya covers her ears as tears pool in her eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" Adrien yells out to her and she narrows her eyes further at him. How could his beloved Ladybug turn into one of Hawk Moth's nasty creations? Thoughts and theories run through Adrien's head until one particular realisation hits him hard. He's Chat Noir, he can calm his lady down.

"Alya," Adrien whispers to the blogger and she looks at him. "Cover me."

Alya nods, confusion written on her features but she doesn't have any time to question his motives. He's already sprinting off into an empty classroom. Love Bug goes to chase after him, but Alya jumps out in front of her with her arms all over the place.

"Wait!" Alya shouts, captivating the attention of the evil ladybug.

Adrien jumps over tables and ducks behind the teachers designated desk as Plagg flies out of his bag.

"Plagg, Ladybug's gone berserk. Hawk Moth must've got ahold of her some how," Adrien frowns as the words leave his mouth. "What could've made Ladybug that distressed that she could be akumatized?"

"Just say the stupid phrase." Plagg rolls his eyes at the heartfelt boy and almost straight away, Adrien calls Plagg into the ring and his transformation begins.

Chat pounces out the window and makes his way around to the front of the school. There's no way he would be caught coming out of an empty classroom that Adrien only just entered.

He runs into the entrance and spots Love Bug with her hand around Alya's throat. Chat almost yelps before he starts sprinting towards the two.

He takes a bold leap and grabs ahold of his lady's shoulders, pulling her down with him. He encloses his arms around her in an attempt to soothe her Akuma-ridden outburst.

Alya runs for her life.

"Calm down my lady," Chat coos, although it doesn't seem to work. She struggles against the black-clad hero, trying to get out of his tight hold. Chat looses his grip and Love Bug slips through his grasp.

"Don't touch me! My heart belongs to one human and that is not you, Chat Noir!" Love Bug screams, her voice echoing in layers as she speaks the hurtful words.

Chat's ears droop and Love Bug runs off, out of the building and into the air. He sags to the ground and wallows in his sadness, eyes closed and ears down.

"Chat Noir?" The voice of his best friend brings him out of his state of depression. Chat looks up at Nino and gives a weak smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He speaks as he stands up, "I'm Chat Noir." He finishes confidently, although his confident falters as Ladybug's akumatized words replay in his head.


My heart belongs to one human and that's not you, Chat Noir!

Adrien clutches at his hair as he hunches over to lean his elbows against his knees. He squeezes his eyes shut as the words haunt him over and over again.

That's not you, Chat Noir!

Adrien lets out a low yell, slipping off of his bed and slouching against the floor. Tears whell in his eyes and before he gets the chance to suck it up and be a man like his father tells him to, the tears are rolling down his face.

He can't help it. The love of his life had told him that she didn't love him back. Her heart belongs to somebody else.

Adrien's eyes widen as he remembers back to the days previous events. He remembers this morning when Marinette confessed to him. How he rejected her, saying his heart belonged to someone else. He lets a sigh escape his mouth as the guilt begins to eat away at him.

How could he be so cruel to such a kind hearted girl like Marinette? How could he not think about her feelings, but dwell in his own? He may have gotten rejected by his crush today, but so did Marinette. Ladybug has been rejecting Chat Noir's love for as long as they've known each other, and he's choosing today to cry about it? On the day that he rejects Marinette like Ladybug rejects him every day.

He pulls at his hair. Plagg flies out from where he cowered behind a row of books and he lands on Adrien's knees. Adrien opens his eyes to look at the small black cat.

"You're a mess," Plagg speaks softly, knowing that if he spoke sarcastically that it would only upset the human more.

Adrien wipes his nose with the back of his hand as he scoffs, "Yeah, no duh."

Plagg plays with his tiny black paws awkwardly, needing his usual Camembert cheese to fill his hungry stomach but not having the heart to disrupt the broken boy.

Adrien stares at the nervous kwami and soon realises what he's after. The hero lets out a sigh as he stands up and pulls out a wheel of Camembert from the mini fridge in his room. He stocks up on the smelly cheese every few days to keep the sarcastic cat quiet.

"Thank you," Plagg speaks softly as he carefully takes the cheese offered to him. Adrien gives him a shirt nod before he flops onto his bed, stomach down. He rests his chin on his crossed arms and closes his eyes. After a moment, he adjusts his face so that his cheek is laying on his arms instead.

The model lets sleep consume him after he lets out a silent yawn and curls further into his sheets.

Love Bug, on the other hand, is still roaming the city - to Chat Noir's dismay. She runs across the rooftops of Paris, all traces of Marinette gone. Not a zilch is left of her, and it leaves Marinette's parents and Alya both worried and concerned. After all, their perfect daughter had never dared to stay out so late. It's almost ten at night, for goodness sake.

Alya tries to ring Marinette's cellphone multiple times until she comes to the conclusion that Love Bug might have corrupted her. She shares her theory with Mr. and Mrs. Cheng, leaving them even more worried than before. Their daughter is under a love spell? From an Akuma, no less?

As Marinette's mother paces the living room of their bakery home, Alya attempts to calm her nerves. She offers to make them her infamous tea, which wasn't all that pleasing to your taste buds but was sure to calm your nerves.

After a few hours of Alya's tea and rationalising, she manages to finally calm her best friend's parents down. She sends the couple off to bed by the time it was almost one in the morning and Alya finds herself sending her own mother a quick text saying that she would be sleeping at the Cheng's household for the night, before crashing on the couch.


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