It was 11 in the night....
My phone started ringing. It was Ian.
"Hey Ian."
"Hey dude, you free?"
"Yeah I am."
"I gotta ask you something"
"Come over"
"Ill be there within 5 mins"
After a few minutes I heard a knock the door.
As expected Ian and Soph were there.
"Come In"
We went and sat in the living room.
Zoe went to make coffee for everyone.
"Zach, there is this party being held by the hotel people tonight."
"Yeah I know, you are coming with us right?"
"Yeah we want to but there is this small problem."
"And that small problem is??"
"Soph is not feeling well today. I was thinking why not me and Soph stay here while you and Zoe enjoy?"
"No way mahn! We in this together! If you people dont go we aint going either, right Zoe?"
Zoe was back with coffee by that time.
"Yup, we aint going anywhere Ian. We will take care of Soph together!"
"No, No Zoe its fine you guys shall carry on"
"Dont talk Mrs.Sick Soph you need rest" Zoe giggled.
"Listen Zach, we really want you both to enjoy! Dont spoil it coz of us."
"Ian, we arent spoilin it okay? Lets do this, we all go there and we wont dance and all much we just chill and have a great time and if Soph doesnt feel well we come back"
"Hmmm... good idea.... What say Soph?"
"Yeah, whatever you guyz say!"
"Okay so all get ready by 12 and we meet at the lobby!"
*Zoe's POV*
It was 12 already and I wasnt ready yet! Gods they must be thinking of murdering me!
Zach left 15 minutes ago with Ian. Sophia probably must have left too.
I was almost ready but I was unable to find my lucky ring.
The clock struck 12:15 and I received a call.
It was ZACH!
I decided to move on without the ring.
*Zach's POV*
I will never understand women, they never know the importance of time.
* Ian's POV*
I could see that Zach was pissed, a gentleman never likes to be late you know.
I hid and texted Soph,
*Soph's POV*
I received a message from Ian, and it wasn't good. I quickly rushed up to Zoe's room and took her along with me to the lobby.
*Ian's POV*
I got some relief when I saw Soph and Zoe coming towards us but when my vision shifted to Zach it wasn't a good sight. He was totally pissed off. God knows what is gonna happen.
"I must admire your dressing style ladies but I think you should even take a look at the time, Both of you are 20 minutes late"
" I apologize Zachii, Its my fault. I told Soph to wait for me"
"You have done a mistake and now you shall face the consequence."
We were shocked! What could the consequence be??? Zach didn't sound right!
Omg! what were we to do???
Hey People,
Long chapter huh? Bleh, I have my Computer Practical tomorrow so i thought why not update a longer chap?
What do you think the consequence is gonna be?? What will happen??
Will Zach cancel the plan??
Keep reading to find out......

The Guy She Never Noticed
Teen FictionThe Story Revolves Around Zach Derrickson, a middle aged guy who aims to be a rich entrepreneur but ends of getting distracted from his main aim. His life turns into an emotional roller coaster when he meets a girl........... Read more unfold wha...