We were finally at the shore.
"Zach......I'm confused...Like completely confised...."
"Can you frigging say it out straight!" I screamed.
"Woahh ...."
"Zach its just that my wedding date is getting fixed and Luke wants it to be held in July"
"Sooo whats the problem?"
"Zach you are coming for the wedding right?"
What a random question. Girls do this at times and I get irritated.
"Yeah! Why'd you ask?"
"Perhaps you are forgetting something!"
"And what is that??"
Urghhh I hate when people do this.
When you know what I am forgetting than you can straight away tell me right?But it wasnt the time to argue.
July ..... What could be it?
Suddenly it struck me......
"Àmbrosia"I mumbled.
"Exactly"She said
I wanted to start off with a buisness so 2 years a go I had given a contract to a architect for my Hotel Àmbrosia. And it was expected to be ready till July 2016. It completely slipped out of mind.
"Zach I know this means a lot to you, probably even more than me.If you want I can talk to Luke to extend the dates a bit."
It was a tough task for me.
On one side lay my bestest friend's happiness and on the other side lay the stepping stone to my aim and success.
I thought not to be selfish. I waited for that Hotel to be established for 2 years probably I can wait for a few more days.
"You must be insane to do that. I am attending your wedding at any cost.."
"But Zach your dream's first step is gonna be laid!"
" It doesnt worth more than your happiness"
The words came out like lightening from me."You sure Zachii??"
"Thank you Zachii!!! You are the bestest friend one could ever get!"
"Haha! Now lets get goin Zoe. I want to catch up some sleep before work."
Hey People,Another chapter updated! Zach ud a bit stupid and so is Zoe. But they are friendship goals!
Keep reading to find out on what adventures they both go through!

The Guy She Never Noticed
Roman pour AdolescentsThe Story Revolves Around Zach Derrickson, a middle aged guy who aims to be a rich entrepreneur but ends of getting distracted from his main aim. His life turns into an emotional roller coaster when he meets a girl........... Read more unfold wha...