Chapter two

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"Flight 418 to Australia is now ready to board." spoke a female voice through the speakers.

"That's our flight! Kids that's our flight!" my mother rushed.

We all walked through security and got to our gate. I handed my passport to the guy that was standing there for one last check. "You're all good." he smiled as he gave it back to me.

Once we were all ready to go we started to get onto the plane.

"The four of us can't all sit together, so Ava you're next to Josh okay?" I nodded even though something else took my attention, someond to be precise.
I spotted a very familiar boy . I squinted my eyes and looked at him. Who was he? I have seen those eyes before. His hair was tucked in a beanie with a few blonde bits poking out. His eyes looked up at me and I quickly looked away.

My hand pulled Josh with me to our seats and being the nice sister I am I let him sit next to the window.

"Ava?" he asked quietly. I turned my head towards him. "Yeah?" "I'm scared, what if something happens to the plane." I let out a sigh an took my 6 year old brother's hand in mine.

"hey, don't worry okay? Everything will turn out just fine." I assured him.

He smiled at me and I placed a kiss on his head. After that he just went back to being his happy self.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. The plane is about to take of. Please listen very closely to our safety manual." the stewardess spoke.

I zoned out thinking about lot's of things. Like, what if I won't fit in right in Australia, what if they just think of me as a weirdo. I don't think I've ever fit in with a group. The only ones who have truly accepted me for who I am, are my two best friends Mia and Jackson. I met them when I was about 13 years old and we have been inseparable ever since. We're like the three musketeers, no not the candy bar. Ahh chocolate, i'm hungry.

Suddenly I felt something around me starting to shake, ripping me from my thoughts. The plane was taking of.

Josh grabbed my hand while I squeezed it. He placed his other hand on the window while looking at the houses that got smaller and smaller as the seconds passed by. He looked really amazed by it what lead to me having a stupid smile creep onto my face.

"I'm gonna use the restroom okay big guy?" I ask once the stewardess told us it was now safe to walk. Josh nodded which gave me the sign to get up and walk towards the restroom.

Once I was done doing my thing I went back to my seat.

"Are you hungry? I can buy you something." I said to Josh.

"Yes, can I have some crisps?" he asked me, looking away from the window. "Ofcourse." I smiled.

When a stewardess walked by I ordered what Josh wanted to have. She nodded and walked away.

She came back after a few minutes and handed the crisps to me. I passed them over to Josh after I gave the stewardess the money.



I feel like I really suck at writing. Also I apologize for the fact that the first chapters might be boring but I hope it will change along the way.

K byee x

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